I went from facing 3 by @RealRawRelevant

I went from facing 3 terminal diseases, depressed, obese and bald in my 40s…

To thriving with no diseases, happy, a healthy weight and a full head of hair in my mid 60s.

No doctors. No health insurance. No medication.

Here are 5 steps I took to heal myself and age backwards:

1) Ditch processed foods

First thing I did to turn my life around was ditch my daily diet of processed foods.

These are factory made foods which come in boxes and have an ingredients list which reads like the shopping list of a scientific lab.

Want to live longer?

Replace processed foods with real whole foods that come from local farms instead of supermarkets.

As a rule of thumb, if the label shows ingredients you don’t understand?

Don’t eat it.

2) Take Magnesium

Magnesium is a key mineral for optimal function of your:

Immune system

The crazy thing?

Research shows up to 75% of adults in North America are deficient in magnesium.

To make things worse…

It’s impossible to get enough magnesium through your diet.


Because modern agriculture practices has depleted most of the magnesium which would otherwise be found naturally in the soil where your food is grown.

So if you want to be optimally health? Take magnesium.

3) Sleep better and take naps

Quality sleep releases melatonin in your brain.

This key hormone is an anti-oxidant which fights the build up of hydrogen peroxide and helps to slow down the aging process in your body.

Now here’s the secret no one has told you yet ?

You don’t need melatonin supplements to get the sufficient amount of melatonin. Instead, optimize your sleep by:

– Sleeping in a dark room
– Lower room temperature
– Taking naps
– Avoiding screen time before bed

Seems simple but getting adequate sleep and rest is crucial.

4) Fast

Restricting your eating schedule is a natural way to release endogenous antioxidants (that’s antioxidants which are made inside the body).

It also activates autophagy, an internal process where your body recycles damaged proteins which would otherwise….

clog up your brain and arteries leading to things like:

Heart diseases

These days I rarely eat more than twice a day.

I’m also healthier today at 64 yrs than I was at 20 AND my food expenses are way down even though I only eat the best organic foods.

5) Avoid oxidants

Just like metals that get rusty, excessive oxidation can damage healthy cells inside your body which speeds up aging.

A simple way to slow down the aging process and look younger is to avoid oxidants like:

Excess sugar (eg HFCS)
Industrial seed oils


Take these 5 steps to reach optimal health and age backwards without doctors, health insurance or medication:

1) Ditch processed foods
2) Take magnesium
3) Optimize sleep and take naps
4) Fast
5) Avoid oxidants
