I’m Jewish therefore by @izak_novak

I’m Jewish therefore the Nazi propaganda I’m regurgitating isn’t Nazi propaganda because reasons

From the jump, reporting on the “Holodomor” was conducted by known frauds like “Thomas Walker” who used fabricated photos. These photos ended up in Nazi propaganda

Publications that served as foundations of anti communist propaganda were written by literal Ukrainian Nazis

“Aid Committees” set up to help supposed victims of the “genocide” were also, you guessed it, founded by Nazi sympathizers

The main originator and propagandist of the famine genocide myth was the infamous American fascist William Hearst. Here he is chilling with some Nazis

Casualty numbers are all entirely made up and laughably implausible

Robert Conquest and his laughable “Harvest of Sorrow” and accompanying film were considered even by mainstream outlets unworthy of being aired

Hmmm what’s this? MORE NAZIS

Conquest is low hanging fruit but deserves the dragging. More made up numbers and fraudulent sources

Kulaks mass slaughtering of livestock.. surely had nothing to do with the bad yield ?

And on and on. Honestly just read this whole thing

When we say the Holodomor is a Nazi myth, we aren’t being hyperbolic. Actual Nazis, in and outside Germany, including Ukrainian nationalists and American fascists made this thing up and spread it

Also see this. The Soviet Archives have no evidence of genocide or ethnic cleansing.
