#Thread ON CREATION OF UNIVERSE ACCORDING TO VEDA Western scientists have given about 30 theories regarding the formation of universe but non of them have been able to explain it, not even the BIG BANG THEORY. However, our veda have explained it accurately. @LostTemple7

Its not an unknown fact that big bang theory violates a lot of rules, one of them is law of causality. From vedas, we can manifest many theories of creation too but two biggest theories that explain it pretty well r- 1. Nasadiya suktam- creation came out from formless brahman.


2. Purusha suktam- creation which is created by the god (with form) I will be discussing Nasadiya suktam in this thread along with the rasmi theory. Rigved 10.129.1 नासदासीन्नो सदासीत्तदानीं नासीद्रजो नो व्योमा परो यत् । किमावरीवः कुह कस्य शर्मन्नम्भः किमासीद्गहनं गभीरम् ।।

सृष्टि से पहले सत नहीं था असत भी नहीं अंतरिक्ष भी नहीं आकाश भी नहीं था छिपा था क्या, कहाँ किसने ढका था उस पल तो अगम अतल जल भी कहां था? Which means at the initial state of universe there was- zero temperature. Zero density No Force Zero Noise or frequencies

The matter had zero motion. No Time. no space. no dimensions. A universe in latent state. All properties of matter were inactive including mass Because the properties of matter itself were inactive thus it is impossible to detect that state of universe.

It cannot be known using any of the technology, as the properties were inactive. To understand the state of universe we can take an example of a naughty kid. A kid does a lot of different naughty things in the whole day but when he sleeps his property of being naughty

would be inactive. We cannot say something about the nature of that boy. Similarly , According to Rashmi Theory we cannot detect the state of universe at the beginning stage. Rigved- 10.129.2

न मृत्युरासीदमृतं न तर्हि न रात्र्या अह्न आसीत्प्रकेतः। आनीदवातं स्वधया तदेकं तस्माद्धान्यन्न परः किञ्चनास॥ नही थी मृत्यु ,जी अमरता भी नही, नही था दिन,रात भी नही, हवा भी नही,साँस थी स्वयमेव फिर भी, नही था कोई कुछ भी,परम तत्त्व से अलग , या परे भी कर्म बनकर बीज पहला जो उगा,

काम बनकर वो जगा। The basic matter or material cause of universe have 3 properties Satva ( Force ) Raj ( Matter/mass ) Tam (Motion) Force,motion & mass are the three properties of that matter which stays inactive at the time of beginning of Universe.

Still question remain the same if everything was at rest or inactive form, what caused the creation? We all know the newton 1st law of motion- a body will remain at rest untill n unless some external force is applied. Initially ,Such force can never occur naturally.

Such force can only be applied by a conscious entity, without a conscious entity the universe cannot create itself. So this is a proof of existence of god through physics itself. We can say god has triggered the initial state through OM RASMI.

First of all a rashmi is a vibrating entity. Om rashmi is the subtlest vibrating entity, It is Like strings. Modern Scientist see this string theory in doubtful way but vedic science accept this fact that matter exist in form of vibrating entities,although veda don’t approve the

entire string theory. These different type of vibrating entities are like codes of a computer program,where every code has its own role. A question may arise that if everything was at latent state then where was this Om rashmi ? Vivekanand said rashmi is not a seperate entity

but a part of the matter of initial state itself. To understand this you can imagine throwing a stone in a quiet pond,the stone hits the quite water in the pond. it creates some waves at the point where it hits. Soon the whole surface of water in the pond becomes wavy.

The first wave activates all other waves. So we can say that all other waves are generated by this first waves. Similarly, omnipresent god ( brahman) gives a slight flutter to the matter by activating the properties of matter at the beginning of universe.

And everything which was inactive (rest) got activated n the infinite universe got created. Ps- info n idea have been taken from veda, vivekanand, dayanand, tesla, string theory, Agnivarat Naishthik.
