I figured I'd make a thread documenting every single possible case of election fraud, voter suppression, electioneering, and overall shenanigans I can find in the 2016 and 2020 Democratic Primaries. Not in chronological order since it'd take forever.

@threadreaderapp unroll

Here is a very informative report by Election Justice USA. It's 96 pages but I'll talk about a few interesting occurrences.


Many cases in EJUSA’s database are supported by registration records, emails to and from officials, phone records, or affidavit testimony. Available evidence from Arizona, New York, and California suggests more than 500,000 registrations were tampered with or improperly handled.

Based on concrete evidence, Election Justice USA surmises that, unlike Alba’s case, the majority of the registration tampering could only have been carried out by computer hackers: in many cases, the changes to voter registrations are provably back-dated in official electronic...

...records. Other forms of direct voter suppression, however, were carried out by partisan elections officials in states like New York and California. California. In Brooklyn alone, 121,000 voters were wrongly or even illegally purged from voter rolls leading up to New York's...

...vote. The Brooklyn voter purge disproportionately affected Hispanic voters. Analyses in Democracy Lost show that voter purges also disproportionately affected Sanders’ vote totals: the percentage of purged voters for each precinct was a significant predictor of Clinton’s...

...vote share. New York City’s Board of Elections suspended two high-level employees without pay but has offered no substantive explanation.

Partisan elections officials also targeted specific classes of voters known to support Senator Sanders. In California, for instance, six unique methods were employed to systematically disenfranchise “no party preference" (independent) voters who were legally eligible to vote

EJUSA has also identified irregular patterns in precinct-level Democratic vote tallies which are strongly suggestive of electronic voting machine tampering. In all eleven primaries where discrepancies between exit polling and official results exceeded the margin of error...

These discrepancies occurred primarily in the Democratic Party primaries but not in the Republican primaries. This is remarkable; the exit polls for both parties were conducted on the same day, in the same precincts, with the same interviewers, and used the same methodologies.

This report supplies additional evidence supporting the notion that unverified computer counts incorrectly tabulated the votes in the Democratic Party primaries. EJUSA analyzed precinct-level results in the largest counties by population for 35 of 36 Democratic primary states...

...(the state of Arizona does not keep such elections records). These analyses revealed that as precinct size increases, Clinton’s vote share increases. This pattern holds true even when carefully controlling for demographic factors such as race and age.

This method of analyzing data is based on the Law of Large Numbers. As a sample size grows, its average rapidly approximates the average of the population being measured. Toss a coin repeatedly, and, as the number of tosses increase, the increasing sum of the tosses rapidly...

...approaches the average of the two-sided coin—50% of the tosses average heads or tails. The same principle applies to the election results between candidate Sanders and candidate Clinton. As the number of votes accumulate for each candidate, their individual vote share should..

rapidly approximate their average share of the vote from the entire state. This was not the case in states with large exit polling discrepancies favoring Clinton, however. Clinton’s vote share rises smoothly with precinct size raises the strong possibility of voting machine fraud

EJUSA has established an upper estimate of 184 pledged delegates lost by Sanders due to irregularities & instances of fraud. Adding these to Sanders’ pledged delegate total & subtracting the same number from Hillary's total would more than erase the 359 pledged delegate gap

Chicago's Board of Elections has admitted to one of the authors of the report and to CounterPunch Magazine that citizens monitoring the audit were right about irregularities in the process and that audit “numbers didn't match” election day results.


In Maricopa County, Arizona, which covers Phoenix and outlying areas, 140 out of 200 polling locations were eliminated, leaving only one voting center for every 21,000 voters. The county’s reduction by 70% of available places to vote, which they claimed was done to save money
