Have you heard of PostCoital dysphoria (PCD)? It is deep feeling of sadness, anxiety, or anger after sex. Even if sex was consensual and satisfying. They have strong feelings of sadness and tears lasting from 5minutes to 2hours after sex. Nobody knows an exact cause. Thread/

Some people also call it Post Sex Blues. Or Post Coital Tristesse. Nobody knows the exact reason for it but there are theories around why it may happen. However, the most important thing to say- to a couple experiencing this- is that it is normal and it happens in some people.

Who does it affect: It tends to affect women more. Especially younger women. Some psychologists feel it may be hormone related, but all these are hypothesis that is not proven beyond reasonable doubts. It also affects men, but the numbers are not as much compared to women.

How does it happen? Remember this is NOT the same as expected agitation and sadness that normally follows rape, sexual violence or any of such things. This is a feeling of intense sadness, regret, and anxiety following a consensual, enjoyable, satisfying sexual activity.

It can be a very confusing thing. Because the person wonders why they feel that way but they just seem to have no control over it. It is more emotional and psychological than being the result of a physical or medical problem. And it can also be very scary for their partner too.

What can be done? Usually it is more of counselling and reassurance. The person’s partner only needs to comfort and be gentle with the person during that period while they have the unusual feelings. Probably this is why some people say, cuddling after sex can be therapeutic.

If these symptoms become too frequent, or too worrisome, or too overwhelming that it is beginning to affect the couple too much, some times doctors try a very short course of some medications like (antidepressants) which many affected people have reported to be quite helpful.
