The Aztecs were a horrific and chilling race; crafting their civilisation on human sacrifice. Yet they serve as a distinguished relic of mankind's suffering. [Thread] - 9 lessons on cultivating your ascension amidst the suffering.

1. Great men are not born great. Your actions earn your title. You are owed nothing in life. When you do not live up to your potential, you do not live at all. Man is as wise as his thoughts, but only as honourable as his actions.

2. A seed of focus will yield greater fruits than a forest of stagnation. Distraction is for the masses, focus is for the few. When you are everywhere, you are nowhere. Like the finest warrior, choose your moments and strike with supreme fury.

/Continued The power of focus is appreciated, when you realise that the rest of your life is determined at this exact point. Optimise the present and the future will maximise itself. You build tomorrow's empire, by laying the foundations today.

3. Man is as strong as his suffering. Suffering is a necessity, for only when the arrows fall from the heavens, does man reveal his shield. Tame the mind to bear the suffering; for you are the sum of your struggles, not the accumulation of your summits.

4. Be the wolf amongst the sheep. Omnia fortium virorum (All things belong to the brave). The wolf need not concern itself with others; just as the mountain is not swayed in the wind nor the virtuous man moved by praise or criticism.

5. Do not accumulate acquaintances. Surround yourself with rational optimists & true companions. A single conversation with a true companion generates the highest ROI. Choose dear friends, not audiences. If you must surround yourself with realists, prove them all wrong.

6. Meditation is medication as old as civilisation. The greatest men are masters of the mind, not mastered by the mind; for a man who is easily incensed, is easily controlled. The self-reflecting mind knows no limits.

7. Society corrupts human nature. Response to my tweet: @DentesLeo "Human nature corrupts society". Nature removes the web of society’s corruption upon man, yet society is the culmination of mankind’s corruption.

8. The perfect man has no self. Suffering, toil and improvement are indistinguishable from a man's character. As such, do not attempt to find the self, make the self. The man rich in knowledge of the self yearns not for possession nor power.

9. Curate your mind. Be an island of calm, in the ferocious storm. You cannot escape anxiety, only discard it. A wise man knows that worrying makes suffering exponential. Recognise that man's imagination causes more suffering than reality ever could.

/Continued Fear is to Forget Everything And Run, or Face Everything And Rise. Acknowledge that you are the average of all your thoughts, just as your mind is the cradle of all your glory. Blacksmiths forge the steel. Fletchers shape the arrow. The true control themselves.

@RationalAztec @UnrollThread unroll
