If anyone wonders: I do think black lives matter, I also think every other life is precious as well. We could all benefit from every single person being treated better. I want the best for everyone and I hate that some of us think that they have to fight so hard to be heard.

It shouldn't be that way. I never knew any different, I was taught that every single life mattered. It starts at home and people need to realize that. It starts at home regardless of your color, race, creed, religion, etc. If you're a bad cop, you need to resign immediately

before even getting to the point of taking someone's life. If you're a good cop, stand up for what you believe in even if you're the one who gets punished for it, and unfortunately that shouldn't happen but it does. Also, it's not just on the cop to make situations run smoothly,

it's on the other party involved too. The whole thing shouldn't be escalated on either side of the equation and it's not fair that it happens to where one side escalates whenever they shouldn't -- it doesn't matter which side escalates, it's not supposed to happen no matter what.

We should love one another regardless of what our profession, race, religion, creed, sexuality, or gender is. I have no idea why it's so hard for that. It shouldn't be hard at all.

@UnrollThread sup
