I was reading something today. As we know the Shilaharas were lords of North Konkana ruling from their capital Sthanaka (Thana). It was a very rich Dukedom based on Trade tariffs and coconut , banana plantations. It had big Merchants both Indians and Foreign(Arabs mostly) .

Duke and his ministers also dabbed in trade ,owned multitude of Ships . Imagine a prosperous trade derived Principality with many rich sister cities ( Thana , Chaul , Puri ) and a small hinterland of 1400 villages owing allegiance to Deccan Imperium.

After death of Duke Nagarjuna died , he was succeeded by his brother Mummuni superceding real heir who was Nagarjuna's son ( maybe skt version of Al Momin ? , as mummuni in Rajataramgini is very likely al momin , an arab governor of Merv during Lalitaditya's rule)

He was probably helped by Kadamba of Goa and a faction of Arab merchants in this usurpation.

Anyway 20 years later Mummuni died and a civil war followed . Kadambas , with an Arab mercenary army ( funded by Arab mechants) marched to North Konkana to help Mummuni's son . After this , arabs started their Jihaad in hinterland .

then Great Anantadeva ,the superseded son of Nagarjuna led a proto nationalist revolt and was helped by princes of the interior that still saw the danger which Kadambas couldn't.

A record just after Anantadeva's victory

Help from Princes of interior ( especially Yadavas of Sevanadesha )

Also Mummuni's grandfather Aparajita himself was an anti Arab Leader , having forced the Arab feudatories (yes a few districts were ruled by them ) of Rashtrakuta to flee . There must have been strong pro andanti arab factions in Sthanaka
