The immediate necessity for Hindus is to inculcate shraddha/faith in our practices. Order of magnitude more than 'scientific' understanding of the same.

The fundamental premise of shraddha is to believe and yet retain the inquisitiveness to understand more. The goal of so-called scientific approach to Dharma is to insert skepticism at every step. Dharma requires the former, a satvik mode of enqury.

The spiritual acumen of humans decreases with time. That is why our ancestors/rishis were more knowledgeable than us on Dharma. Hence shraddha in their teachings is key. OTOH the scientific acumen of humans increases with time. So for worldly knowledge skepticism is key.

We Hindus need to agree that, irrespective of the streams, the ultimate goal of Dharma is spiritual progress of the human mind. The current approach of reckless reform will cause us to lose precious knowledge needed in this pursuit. Premium on change is a must.
