Have operated on 17 trauma patients in emergency who turned out to be COVID+ n have been exposed to more than thousand COVID + patients so far.Never tested positive .Trust me,its just the N95 mask that has saved me so far . Mask is the only defence against COVID . #MaskUpIndia

1Many people into my DM asking if cloth mask works .Definitely NO . When pandemic started , India didnot have adequate resources to protect the health care workers who are at front line . Hence general public was asked to atleast use cloth mask ,and save surgical masks

2) for health workers . Please use a surgical masks and donate to those who cannot afford . #Eachonesaveone

1)Any 3 ply or N95 mask which snugly fits without a valve. 2) donot touch your masks / face / rub your eyes 3) discard before entering your house . 4)take bath before you touch your family members after coming from outside 5)social distancing 6)those eligible get vaccinated
