If you want to behave in a way that serves your best interest, you will quickly find that it’s good to be brutally honest with women, and not so honest with men. There’s context to this.

Your best option with females is to be honest with them. Lying to them to have sex is a inevitable disaster. It just doesn’t work. Better to be upfront and honest about what you want.

Honesty does not work with other men. Why? Because you’re not always cooperating with them. There’s always a degree of competition. And with competition, comes defection. Whereas you NEVER compete with women.

The context is applied depending on what games you’re playing. Honesty is a tactical error in zero sum games. Honesty serves your best interest in positive sum games.

All games with women should be positive sum. Playing zero sum with them is just too much of a headache and nuisance once they find out. If you want sex, best to be honest and sell your intention that yields positivity for both. Deception here just comes back to bite you.

All games with men can be positive or zero sum. It really depends on the path you’re on. If you’re on upward ascension, most games you play will be zero sum. If you’re just a chilled guy who watches netflix, goes out with friends to bars and clubs, then you prefer win win.

You can tell a lot about where a guy is headed simply based on the games he plays with people. Most guys in this society play win-win with men, and play zero sum with women. This is big mistake, and damages society at large.

Men need be involved in more competition games. Deceit, defection only teaches them to grow more powerful. Doing this with females just breaks them and creates more feminists.
