Post 9/11 thread for people to post the wildest shit they remember from 01 to 06 I'll start: People thought Osama had an entire mountain hollowed out that he was using as his base and that's why AQ was hard to find and that somehow a group of like 30 dudes arranged this.

The speaker of the house was a pedophile wrestling coach Men bought cases of french wine and poured them into the Chesapeake because France refusing to join OIF We created 'freedom barricades', 'protest pens', and 'free speech zones' to make 'normal' people feel safe.

We put a half dozen kids the heritage foundation didn't think were good enough to hire themselves in charge of Iraqs $16b national budget. We had a doctor who created surgical dick lengthening procedures act as our representative to the lead religious authority in Iraq.

The CIA rehabbed Gaddafi very very fast because they needed a win and by having Gaddafi hand us a bunch of old chemical weapons we probably gave him we looked like we were doing something.

Toby Keith wrote an entire song about how we need to kill arabs.…

Dick Cheney was discovered to have a map carving Iraq up with the locations of what oil companies get what chunk of the country prior to invasion…

We found out that the president interviewed dozens of military experts to find one who wouldn't be such a downer about invading Iraq. We created a Do Not Fly list with like 900k names on it.…

Bill Maher was taken off air for saying the one smart thing he ever uttered: "We have been the cowards, lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away...Staying in the airplane when it hits the building, say what you want about it, [it's] not cowardly."…

Tom Clancy, a guy who's entire shtick is writing revenge fantasies about killing non-Americans, was nicer to/about muslims on 9/11/01 than most democrats were for the following decade. I didn't see anyone be this 'nice' for years.…

A senator in Republican leadership was caught on tape saying he wishes desegregation had never happened and not only was he never unseated, the only reason he left office was because of a new law that made lobbying immediately after exiting illegal.

Strom Thurmond, the one mentioned above, dies @ 100 yo. Immediately his 78 year old daughter reveals that he was her father and proves it. Her mother was Thurmonds maid who he raped when she was a minor and he was in his 20’s. He ran a segregationist campaign over 20 years later

A lobbyist named Jack Abramoff is caught in one of the largest bribery scandals ever. Virtually nothing happens to any of the people named. His idea of dressing himself so no one catches onto him was to dress like this:

The House Majority leader was caught up in this scandal and the Republican party tried to tell everyone that this was just Democrats trying to weaken our country so the terrorists can win and George Bush will then look bad.

An anti-gay Republican Senator is caught trying to get a blow job from a man in an airport bathroom. He then tried to claim it was all a misunderstanding. He claimed he was just tapping his foot, leaving out the part where he was reaching under the stall divider lol.

Scalia, a supreme court justice, cites the show 24 in regards to a Supreme court decision. A week after 9/11 Bush calls the war against Afghanistan a crusade.

In the era of the patriot act being discussed, the Attorney General freaked out about a statue of justice having tits and draped a bedsheet over her so no one could see them sweet marble breasts.

2007: Bush’s AIDS czar, Randall Tobias, mandated that organizations oppose prostitution in order to receive American aid. It later emerged that Randy was a client of the D.C. Madam, though he claimed he only bought “massages” (presumably with a happy ending).

2005: A fake reporter named Jeff Gannon asked a softball question at a Bush press conference. He was later revealed to be a gay porn star working for a rightwing site owned by a Texas-based Republican activist.

Seriously, that one is funny and you should read it because even people who were obsessed with news at the time forgot Bush was manufacturing his own reporting:…

After Democrats spent years thinking Karl Rove was a master genius, it turned out he just knew a good hacker and had been forwarding DNC emails. Magically once the hacker died, Rove's political analysis became useless.

The guy put in charge of Iraqs economy thought the answer to dealing with widespread hunger and deprivation was the free market. He created investment firms to try and get capital to factories in a literal war zone and then got confused why no one was investing.

He then gave some money to lots of iraqis as a begrudging welfare program, but he did it through single use credit cards. 90% of Iraqs phone lines were down and accordingly no one could process payments from the cards.

The Bush administration was fucking wild, and often just deleted shredded lots of stuff the moment there was a FOIA request. They routinely framed journalists making FOIA requests as terrorist enablers.

The Vice President told a senator to "Go Fuck Yourself" on the floor of the capital after the senator apologized for having to investigate ties from the VPs office to the company he was CEO of.…

The VP also shot a man in the face (and was rumored to be drunk out of his mind when he did it) and forced him to apologize for getting shot.

Something like a third of all the white house appointees were graduates of unaccredited christian colleges and many of the HR issues that resulted from that nutty af atmosphere are still sealed.

The president of the united states announced in a pre-written speech that every nation is either with america or an enemy of america. The president didn't clear this with the state department at all and we lost TONS of allies in ways that took over a decade to recover from.

The vetting process for people running the iraq war was based entirely on how optimistic they were. Several people, including die hard military hawks like Jim Webb, were ignored roundly because they accurately stated any war with Iraq would be a moronic boondoggle.

We ran the most expensive military exercise ever to show the world that the US could annihilate Iran. In the exercise the US military leader who role played Iran absolutely destroyed billions of dollars worth of military hardware and 20,000 troops…

The game was then shut off, relaunched, but with new rules that rigged the game to show that we're number one. Oh also, a major goal with Iraq was to take it over as a staging ground for Iran. Iraq wasn't even the fucking entree.

It turned out years later that the intelligence reports used by both the UK and US to invade Iraq were not only bogus, but many of them were sources literally just explaining a scene from the hit movie The Rock and pretending they were real.…

The largest international protest ever at that point was the protest against invading Iraq. I was part of it. The news pretended it was much much smaller than it was and said there couldn't be that many unpatriotic Americans. Chelsea Clinton counter protested it in England

This book which created the conspiracy theory that Iraq created 9/11. Somehow THIS never gets mentioned as a 9/11 conspiracy theory despite being the most consequential one of all.

After telling people that the US could topple any moment, at the height of our fears and more fragile than ever, the president choked on a pretzel while eating alone and passed out.…

A football star left a career and money on the table to serve his country. He immediately found out the war was total bullshit, and after he started making a ruckus about it a US soldier shot him in the back of the head 'by mistake'. That was no mistake.

POTUS office was asked why he was pulled over for drunk driving in the 70s. His people said it was because he was 'driving too slow'. Everyone who heard this thought it was such bullshit that someone researched it and the answer is that he drove into a hedge and passed out.

Oh yeah, the president stole the election. FL was polling like D+3 days before the election. Bush's brother purged black names from the polls as well as 'like sounding names' and then once the recount began dudes in nice suits literally just walked in and shut down the recount

Three current members of the supreme court sitting right now helped this illegal shut down in person and were present. You can literally find pictures of Amy Coney Barrett smiling for the camera at it.

Doug Stanhope pissed off Fox News with a bit about how Al Qaeda clearly doesn't hate us for our freedoms because there's nations in Europe that are much freer and they go un-9/11'd Patrice O'Neal got a fox crew to burst out laughing mid segment while talking about free speech.

Clear Channel (now iHeartMedia) published a memo of songs you weren't allowed to play on the radio because they were 'anti-american' or 'hut the troops'.…

This ad that implies John Kerry was actively aiding terrorists.…

Democrats chose John Kerry to run in 2004 because he was a wildly decorated Vietnam war vet with legitimacy established in his patriotism, so Republicans just said he lied to get his medals and wore fake purple hearts:

Here's an amazing thread of political cartoons from 2002 just to get you into the right mentality of how psychotic our nation was.

Going to be keep going, but if you want to hear me talk about more of this, listen to the newest episode of @dumbawfulshow. Also doing @y_thelastpod for anyone interested. Returning to the thread:

The DC Madam scandal! Multiple national politicians were caught up in a scandal involving a high value prostitution ring. The woman running it, conveniently 'killed herself' before being sent to prison. She had done prison time prior.…

Everyone who knew her, even knowing she was facing prison time, was absolutely shocked. She had done prison prior. They hadn't started even close to a full disclosure of who was on the list for 10 years lol.

This thing which was supposedly about terror, but was actually just used as a media gimmick for the administrations political goals, implying the nation was more at danger when the admin faced controversy.

The 22 million emails the Bush administration 'lost', much in the same way a child might 'lose' their Brussel sprouts during dinner.…

Oh, Bill Clinton was traveling around the world with a billionaire known for his love of 'younger ladies'. No, not Epstein (though him too), Ron Burkle, in his private plane deemed "Air Fuck One". That's right, two separate billionaires with clandestine planes for boning!

From the same article about the two billionaires:

SpaghettiOs made this pearl harbor tweet which spawned this genre.

A confederate themed country music group of women named The Dixie Chicks were canceled for saying they were ashamed of Bush, and fans drove over it with a tractor:…

reminder from @alasurstrigis Valerie Plame in which Scooter Libby was convicted of leaking the identity of CIA agent Valerie Plame as a covert officer. Libby was immediately commuted by Bush, and pardoned by Trump, which cemented the precedent Trump relied on irt pardons.

"Al Qaeda" turned out to basically be 20 guys, and not a whole army. The videos Osama made, he literally had to hire extras for them because otherwise his operation would have looked so much less intimidating.

The Onion, full of looney lefties at the time, put out this piece which was a more honest approach to what was happening in the culture and country than literally any piece of media before or since:…

Anytime you read a nyt oped, just go ahead and google the author of it and type in '2003', you'll find their Iraq era shit and you will have all the reason you could ever imagine to not take them seriously.

On that note, the post 9/11 period rewarded everyone who was wrong pretty much across the board and punished everyone who dissented. You kids wanna talk cancel culture? The worst cancel culture in modern American history was being antiOIF/OEF in the 00s.




Oh yeah, we had a false flag anthrax attack right after 9/11 that killed 5 people, and it turned out the most likely culprit was a US based source, who was never caught.…

Someone just referenced this and I lost their handle, but this was huge online in 2006 lol…

Oh yeah, the owner of Diebold telling Bush not to worry about Ohio and Ohio going harder republican than polled lol…

This thread of Disney Channel kiddie propaganda lol

Don't forget Laura Bush killed a dude lol…

"As a 9-11 survivor I just want to say Thank You to everybody who views this...its still very painful to me but we must Never Forget that fateful day. Im forever grateful to all the brave men and women who risked they're lives that day." - Razorwolf72…

