5 Life lessons from Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography “The 18th Century Da Vinci” =Thread=

Benjamin Franklin was an author, statesman, scientist, inventor, philosopher, and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He was in many government offices and helped start the revolution that gave birth to the United States.

He might be the single most influential person in US History. Plus, his face is on the 100 dollar bill. How cool is that? So how did one man accomplish so much? Here are 5 lessons from "Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography" that may answer this question:

1.“Early to bed early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” Franklin knew that the quiet solitude of early morning is the best time to compose yourself, get clear about your goals and the direction of your life. He would prepare for the day ahead all before breakfast.

2. “Well done is better than well said.” Franklin started a library and a university; both exist to this day. He launched a fire department, served as postmaster, and printed books, magazines, paper money. You may see his quotes everywhere but he actually was a man of action.

3. “Happiness consists more in the small pleasures that occur every day” Franklin took a full 2 hrs for lunch. He took his sweet time. He used breaks as a time to read, relax, and recharge before returning to work He was a fan of "taking it easy". Enjoying every sec of his life

4. “You may delay, but time will not.” Franklin was a productivity master. In his autography, he shared his daily routine. In the morning he asked himself: “What good shall I do this day?” And he ended the day by asking himself: “What good have I done today?” How amazing!

5. “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” He always had something to study and learn. He was always seeking to better himself, to further his knowledge and skills.

A Biography Provides Inspiration. Reading a real-life story of a successful person influences, motivates, and provides encouragement. You can get Franklin's biography + 100 Mental Models + a collection of the best books in history from this link:


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