And finally, some reporting on things the counter-Christian-Nationalist community has been reporting on since 2006: Namely, how Christian Nationalist groups in the US have cozied up to anti-LGBTQIA groups in Russia, including within Putin's innner circle. 1/x

@FredClarkson actually sounded some of the alarm in 2015 (and revised in 2016) on how Russians (including those supporting invasion of Ukraine) had been supporting Christian Nationalist neo-Confederate groups: 2/x……

@jackmjenkins wrote in 2017 on how there had been close connections between Christian Nationalists as a missing link between Putin and Trump: 3/x…

The same Christian Nationalists, of note, that pretty much ran the Trump campaign, and now pretty much have fullscale hijacked the GOP as a whole, especially in certain states like Texas: 4/x…

But people were sounding the alarm even before Trump was in office. Evan Hurst (of TwoCare) actually noted how a front of the World Congress of Families actually has authored a lot of Russia's anti-LGBTQIA legislation: 5/x…

@brucewilson has been sounding the alarm bells loud and clear for a LONG time, including in 2014 warning how Christian Nationalist groups were in with Putin's #2 at the time, Vladimir Yakunin, particular WCF and New Apostolic Reformation groups: 6/x…

In fact, he's been sounding the alarms since *2006* on this, noting how Christian Nationalists in the US were partnering with Vladimir Yakunin even back then, and targeting the Russian Orthodox Church for partnership: 7/x…

@RTabachnick has likewise been sounding the alarm early, noting how the Christian Nationalist-controlled GOP in Texas has made overtures with New Apostolic Reformation types that have targeted Jewish people in Russia and Ukraine for conversion: 8/x…

They also wrote very early on how the Prince and DeVos families (longtime Christian Nationalists and intimately connected to the Trump admin) worked with the Putin admin and NAR groups to found Christian Nationalist universities in Russia: 9/x…

And again, they sounded the alrm all the way back in 2009 on how conversion of Jewish people in Russia and Ukraine to "Messianics" was one way they were ingratiating themselves with the Russian government: 10/x…

Mother Jones magazine noted how Christian Nationalist anti-LGBT Holocaust-revisionist Scott Lively (he'll show up later...) and WCF were deeply connected with people in the Putin govt in 2014 and how WCF had international links as early as 1995: 11/x…

The Nation also wrote an article in early 2014 on how the WCF basically was the core of the liason between Christian Nationalists in the US (particularly New Apostolic Reformation) and the Russian Orthodox Church and Putin admin 12/x…

@billberk was sounding the alarm about Franklin Graham loud and early as well, noting how he was ingratiating himself with the Putin regime and friendly members of the Duma back in 2014: 13/x…

@Barthsnotes (of Bartholomew's Notes on Religion) was sounding the alarm as early as *2008*, noting how Paul Cameron (an anti-LGBT Christian Nationalist promoting degaying "therapy") was pushing conspiracy theology at Moscow State University: 14/x…

And in fact @Barthsnotes noted as early as 2006 how Christian Nationalists in the NAR were actually targeting Russian prisons--and possibly recruiting (and being recruited by) members of the Russian mob: 15/x…

And in 2007, @Barthsnotes did an article on how an obscure NAR group did a liason between Christian Nationalists in the US, a friendly in the Israeli Knesset connected to the Russian mob...and a certain Oleg Deripaska. Yes, *THAT* Oleg Deripaska: 16/x…

Yes, the very self-same Oleg Deripaska intimately connected to the Trump-Russia Affair, the same one who got Magnitsky Act sanctions removed personally by Trump, the same one who got his houses in the US raided a month ago by the FBI: 17/x…

And again, @brucewilson comes in noting just HOW EARLY Christian Nationalists targeted Russia. It started almost from the moment that Boris Yeltsin entered office, courtesy Campus Crusade for Christ *nee* Cru 18/x…

And, yet again, Scott Lively--holocaust-revisionist Scott Lively, "gay Illuminati" Scott Lively--shows up again, as a bestie to Cru's Bill Bright, and also to a group called The Gathering dedicated to exporting Christian Nationalist hate worldwide 19/x…

Seriously, there's been a LOT of documentation early on about how Christian Nationalists, particularly *NAR linked* Christian Nationalists, have been trying to foment an anti-LGBTQIA genocide and got VERY cozy with the Putin admin: 20/x

And yes, I'm one of those who've tried to sound the alarm too as an #exvangelical and escapee from the NAR. Including on how a NAR-linked hate group was attacking LGBTQIA people in Russia and Russian emigre communities worldwide: 21/x…

And how they had active support from New Apostolic Reformation supporters in the States ("Joel's Army" is an earlier branding NAR groups used): 22/x…

And're seeing Scott Lively show up (who not only helped ghost-write Russia's anti-LGBTQIA legislation but also Uganda's "kill the gays" bill), who....has QUITE the history of not only Holocaust-revisionism but even frank anti-Semitism 23/x…

(I am unfortunately quite familiar with Lively's work. It was heavily promoted in the NAR group I escaped, which actually was so anti-LGBT that they managed to shock my city into passing a Fairness law. It's also why I never came out to my folks when they were alive.) 24/x

Another lovely fellow in that den is Joseph Fuiten, who supported the violent Watchmen on the Walls, and also called (on national TV, in 2007) for non-Christian-Nationalists to be stripped of citizenship and deported or put in concentration camps 25/x…

And Fuiten pretty much would love to see Russian style anti-LGBTQIA laws in the US, if not a full on Ugandan "kill the gays" act: 26/x…

And, well, the Russo-Latvian head of the violent Watchmen on the Walls...apparently would speak regularly to anti-LGBTQIA Assemblies of God pastors who'd spread the hate (and the Russian connections) far and wide: 27/x…

So yeah, this stuff has been documented...for a WHILE by those of us who research. We've been trying to sound the alarm for at least 15 years now that Christian Nationalists in the US are using their playbook to turn Russia into Gilead: 28/x…

And it's entirely possible that (thanks to the Trump maladministration and *those* links with Russia) that the doors were opened as far back as 1994 by Christian Nationalists for what would ultimately be the greatest act of seditious conspiracy since 1861. 29/end


@dogemperor @UnrollThread Here is one salient point and it speaks directly to MTG's attack on Catholics. It's called Caesaropapism. What that means is the head of the Church is not the Metropolitan/Pope/Mahdi. It's the Tsar. Meaning Putin. Or in this country Trump. He is the Infallible Pontifex Maximus.

@KEES1204 @UnrollThread Yup, definitely related to Caesarpapism in the case of Putin; with NAR types, it's more...complex (in that they THEMSELVES are seen as head of church, they literally see THEMSELVES as the second coming of *Biblical* apostles and prophets et al and as literal children of God)

@dogemperor @UnrollThread Which is why it SHOULD be inconceivable they they would partner with the Rus Orthodox Church. That group by definition is antithetical to everything they believe

@KEES1204 @UnrollThread The NAR types actually believe--and I wish I was making this up--they in part believe they are Malleable Fellow Travellers, like anti-abortion Catholics (and even as they make nice they're still plotting to take over from within). 1/2

@KEES1204 @UnrollThread They literally do not care, as long as they get their Gilead (and they figure that any heretics can be destroyed after they take over, assuming they're not converted from within). And the WCF and its anti-LGBTQIA activities are EXACTLY the camel's nose NAR groups have used 2/2

@dogemperor @UnrollThread And killing Jan Hus worked out so well for the pope *pops popcorn*

@KEES1204 @UnrollThread The way they see it, they honestly think the Russian Orthodox Church is half-steeplejacked already (and Putin and his religio-fascist archbishop friend are more than happy to let them have that pretence as long as they have a Fifth Column, and the Christian Nationalists... 1/2
