I'm more than willing to say this to Greenwald's face.

@HeerJeet Great, let's schedule a time to discuss your critique and we can publish it. Will you feel safe doing it without your "astute Greenwald-watching friend?

@ggreenwald You're free to come on my podcast. My email is on my profile. Since you're objecting to a podcast I did with @EoinHiggins_, it would make sense to have him on to (if he wants).

@HeerJeet @ggreenwald I think Glenn wants me excluded—a safe space, if you will

@EoinHiggins_ @ggreenwald That does seem like a ridiculous pre-condition.

@HeerJeet @EoinHiggins_ No, I'm happy to do discuss it with you both, separately. It can just be one-on-one. I think there will be more clarity that way. Don't worry, guys: you'll manage without the protection of the other one. I'll come alone so you can, too.

@ggreenwald @EoinHiggins_ This is a discussion, not a wrestling match or a duel, so I don't see why the numbers matter. If you wanted even odds, bring Tucker as your second.

@HeerJeet @EoinHiggins_ Jeet, are you willing to engage in a discussion with me of the various accusations you've been voicing over months or not? You just announced: I'll say it to his face. So let's do it. Here's the email I sent. Please let me know.

@ggreenwald @EoinHiggins_ Already responded.

@HeerJeet @EoinHiggins_ You've made numerous accusations and claims over months under your own name, Jeet. Stand behind them and discuss them and let's see if those accusations have validity. You don't need to bring friends and other people to help you. You can have a therapy dog present if you want.

@ggreenwald @EoinHiggins_ Right, but since you've ignored most of those earlier criticisms and are mad at the podcast with @EoinHiggins_, I naturally assumed that was the cause of your anger and what you'd want to discuss. If so, then it makes sense to have @EoinHiggins_ as part of the discussion.

@HeerJeet @EoinHiggins_ No, you've made accusations about me for many months. I just ignored most of them because I know your motive is trying to lure me into conflict because nobody is reading your Substack. I'd like to discuss the full range of your critiques, and then Eion's separately with him.

@ggreenwald @HeerJeet @EoinHiggins_ Why is Green so hell bent on not having @EoinHiggins_ there? this seems really weird.
