1/. “We want to make the UK fully autonomous, from a regulatory and geopolitical point of view” Palantir, the shadowy data, surveillance & genomics, that run the NHS COVID data store, plans to shift its entire UK data processing operation from the US!


2/. “Are you aware that #Palantir & #FacultyAI have links to the discredited #CambridgeAnalytica?” “Er..um...er...I don't think I'm aware of that, no” @DawnButlerBrent tells @MattHancock that Palantir rptdly taught #CambridgeAnalyica to scrape data!👇

3/. Whistleblower @chrisinsilico says that Palantir showed #CambridgeAnalytica how to harvest data from Facebook users ahead of #Brexit vote Palantir run the NHS’s #COVID19 data store with #FacultyAI (linked to Vote Leave & rprtdly to Cambridge Analytica)

4/. It has only just come out that the UK govt awarded #Palantir £5.9 million for the ‘Provision of Data Integration Services’, more than 18 months ago They got a £1.7 million extension last week Deregulation for what goal? What will they do with all this data & genomic data?

5/. “Ask forgiveness, not permission” We know that Peter Thiel’s twin obsessions are deregulation & genomics Thiel’s vision is terrifying His methods are ruthless His company, #Palantir, are everywhere, predominantly in places you can’t even see them

6/. Mafia expert @robertosaviano who describes the UK as the most corrupt country in the world says “90% of the owners of capital in London have their HQs offshore. Leaving the EU gave Qataris, Mexican cartels & Russian Mafia even more power” Deregulation attracts the wrong sort

7/. Some suggest that #Palantir hacked the 2016 US election & the #Brexit referendum #PeterThiel’s passion lies deregulation for scientific & technological innovation’ particularly in the “bio-medical” field: namely genomics (formerly known as eugenics)

8/. The NHS is the most trusted brand in the UK Cambridge Analytica is the least trusted Yet Palantir rprtdly taught #CambridgeAnalytica how to scrape data & #FacultyAI also have links with them Here’s Peter Thiel on racism, feminism & multi-culturalism

9/. As clear from his stuttering response, it isn’t credible that #Hancock had no idea of the links that #Palantir & #FacultyAI had with #CambridgeAnalytica Had due diligence been done, would Palantir wouldn’t have been embedded at the heart of the NHS?

10/. It also isn’t credible that #Cummings has no clue what #Palantir do in the NHS other than “ICU bed capacity”(!) It also isn’t credible when he claims he thinks #FacultyAI “do not have personalised data at all” Cummings doesn’t stutter He side steps

11/. In Sept 2020, Hancock quietly launched #GenomeUK, a 10yr strategy to not only transform the NHS but to put genomics at the heart of the ENTIRE programme for govt It was launched on a Saturday I didn’t see a press release It got zero media coverage!

12/. If you missed this massive new policy announcement, its not your fault The #GenomeUK launch only got covered by a few biomedical journals A week later in his Conference speech, the PM DID talk about a 10yr strategy to transform the UK "Windmills!"

13/. At the same time as launching #GenomeUK, the Dept of Trade sent out this “invitation to invest” “The UK offers companies...active life sciences & increasingly expanding access to rich longitudinal data from the NHS’s 65 million patients” GENOMICS!👉


14/. The zeal for the transformative power of genomics or ‘positive eugenics’, won’t come as a surprise to anyone who’s followed Peter Thiel or read Dominic Cummings blogs Genomics are transformative In the right hands & properly regulated, they can be a major force for good...

15/. The fact that the plan has always been to use Brexit to avoid regulation is no secret In 2018, @trussliz told the Koch-funded Cato Institute that “a thicket of regulation & control” is holding back business & called for a new “Anglo-American dream”.


16/. On 14/7/20, this article sounded the alarm It flagged how strict data privacy regimes in Europe & the US have long been a frustration for those who want to cash in on the sector & warned that a #DataGrab could obliterate a last frontier in our privacy: our biological selves

17/. Last August, #Palantir purchased $50 million of physical gold If any other tech company did this, it would be notable, but it’s especially notable for a data analytics company Was the #RussianUkrainianWar predicted? Does it fit with #PalantirPlan?


18/. Wow! #Palantir has hired former Head of AI at NHSX & member of SAGE Indra Joshi (who left in March) as it bids for £360 million NHS Federated Data Platform Palantir rptdly taught #CambridgeAnalytica how to scrape data & have interest in genomic data


19/. They’re not MAGA They’re not QAnon Curtis Yarvin & the rising right are crafting a different strain of conservative politics How does billionaire #Palantir founder, Peter Thiel, fit into the plot? #PalantirPlan #DataGrab #Genomics #ThisIsNotADrill


20/. Be afraid. Be very afraid! “A pandemic & war in Europe have now conspired to shatter our collective illusions of stability & perpetual peace. #Palantir have spent nearly two decades preparing for this moment. This is our time & we intend to seize it”


21/. US data analytics, surveillance & genomics company #Palantir is gearing up to become the underlying operating system for the UK’s #NHS, poaching senior NHS officials as part of a bid to win a £360mn contract to manage the data of millions of patients


22/. “A firm like #Palantir has no place being the ‘operating system for the NHS’” @cori_crider The trouble is Palantir is already doing many of the things which are going to be done by the platform The UK media are slowly waking up to the #PalantirPlan


23/. Is it possible these firms & govts are really after our GENOMIC data? In July 2020, @amnesty published this article on how Big Tech firms are obliterating the last frontier of our privacy: our biological selves "Bio-invasive surveillance capitalism"


24/. “Spying on people & stealing their data [especially genomic data!] is abhorrent regardless of the nature of the govt performing or sanctioning that surveillance. Regrettably, surveillance capitalism has become a driving force in the global economy”


25/. #Palantir is set to become the NHS’s operating system of choice for health data, being favourite to win the contract for a new ‘Federated Data Platform’ (FDP) giving them access to GP & hospital records, social care data & genomic dat @allthecitizens


26/. “I don’t know exactly what Palantir wants with the NHS but I do know it’s worth keeping an eye on it. It’s certainly keeping an eye on you” @ArwaM There are clues as to why the all-seeing data company may want to get into NHS health systems above🖕


27/. “It’s not through changing the culture that we’ll be able to solve social problems...but through changing people’s genes” T. Young “Researchers don’t like the word ‘eugenics’ but they’re running ahead with the idea & UK is at the forefront” F. Nelson


28/. “As companies scramble to create an even more intimate marketplace of our data -one that trades in insights about our biological selves – it’s not hard to imagine the endgame” Who is #PeterThiel & what’s the #PalantirPlan? Some clues here. #Palantir


29/. Biotech is entering a new era, with huge US govt support Last week the US govt signed an executive order that assigned $2 billion in government funding for ‘high risk, high reward’ biotech projects such as CRISPR gene editing. #PalantirPlan #GenomeUK


30/. “We’re working on the assumption that the world will become more disjointed, more complicated, more unhinged” CEO Alex Karp on #Palantir’s “not so secret-secret" Is part of the #PalantirPlan to ensure that this happens? #Trump #Brexit #Genomics

31/. In 2015, Bannon tasked #CambridgeAnalytica’s @chrisinsilico to build a psychological warfare tool to hollow out democracy & rive open divisions in societies It worked! #Palantir rptdly taught Cambridge Analytica how to scrape data #Brexit #Trump

32/. “Buying our way in!” Leaked emails from #Palantir’s UK head, Louis Mosley, reveal their strategy to get depositories of heath data by “hoovering up” small businesses serving the NHS to “take a lot of ground & take down a lot of political resistance”


33/. Mosley’s emails show how #Palantir planned take overs & key hires from the NHS Suitable takeover targets were those already selling software services to the NHS Founders would be offered a “v. generous buyout schedule (say 10x, especially if all stock),” Mosley wrote

34/. Palantir was part of a group of investors that paid $230 million to support Babylon going public in 2021, as part of a partnership between the two companies that saw Babylon migrate some of its data to #Palantir’s Foundry platform Cummings was a consultant for Babylon

35/. Louis Mosley, grandson of Oswald Mosley & former Conservative Party activist, heads what is rptdly #Palantir’s biggest office in the world To what extent is this about genomics? Could the UK, with its cradle-to-grave health service, be used as a Petri dish? #PalantirPlan

36/. “Britain has become a libertarian laboratory” @WritesBright in @nytimes “We simply do not know who is bankrolling the groups now at the heart of the British govt...Some have financial links to the oil giants BP & Exxon Mobil & big tobacco companies”


37/. “Freeports” are part of the deregulation strategy “They’re vast areas that go deep inland by many miles - with a secure customs border around them The UK is being carved up by customs borders to create worryingly deregulated areas” @mikegalsworthy

