This is a thread summary of 18 years of vaccine injury, how it manifests over time, and treatments you likely never heard of, as well as the toll this takes on a family.

In 2006, my 18 month old son withdrew, stopped talking, and I was told he was likely deaf or worse. Deafness was what I hoped for. However, the automated auditory brain stem response test indicated perfect hearing.

Facing the worst, Children’s Hospital’s best interdisciplinary team told us our son (who was not eating, talking, or responding) was “healthy” by height & weight, without any scientific testing. Recommended speech & sensory therapy. I never went back.

We met with a holistic MD, with two hours reviewing our son’s history. This doctor had a humble office, with a horrible hypothesis, but I had the blood drawn for testing because that’s more than the “experts” were willing to do. My son tested positive for mercury poisoning.

I gave myself one day to grieve, & then began the hope for recovery with a doctor in Texas. ✈️ Transdermal, oral, IV chelation for Hg & Al. Responsiveness returned. Methyl B12 injections. Words, then sentences. I threw out all toxins in our new life: Teflon, lead glazed dishes…

2008 Active measles infection verified by scope & biopsy two years after MMR, the trigger for regression. Diagnosis: enterocolitis causing encephalopathy. Every word by Wakefield (UK) & Krigsman (US) about IBD is confirmed true by testing.

2009 Gastrointestinal treatment underway, and eating began to resume normal. My now 5 year old son & I complete 40 dives in HBOT together in Michigan. ✈️ He gains social interaction, & I never have another migraine to this day.

2011 We learn that a simple strep infection can set off regression in a compromised immune system. We spend a year in monthly IVIG infusions. PANDAS and PANS diagnoses are not covered by insurance at $100K, but we found a clinical trial in Colorado. ✈️

From 2012 to 2018, we live a mostly normal life in Colorado with travel, school, friends, despite our son’s limitations.

2016 ended his remission in enterocolitis. Dr. K told me at a chance meeting in Chicago that he was seeing it re emerge in pre puberty. We had access to medical cannabis in Colorado, which worked without the side effects of the steroids & anti viral drugs he had taken before.

2018 Concerning weight loss sent us back to blood analyses. We learn that Lyme disease is a label for a very unnatural desolation of natural killer cells. 20 weeks of IV ozone resolved this & finally put all immune markers in normal range for the first time in 12 years.

The only unusual activity during these good years is that I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to educate state legislators and the state health department about vaccine injuries. Both of these groups are paid by lobbyists to act deaf. “greater good” replaced “do no harm”

A state rep at hearing respond to a VICP compensated child for intellectual disability as “fascinating stories.” The pharma rep portraying herself as a health activist testified that “vaccine injury is one in a million” as 70 parents of injured children sat in the audience.

In 2020, we made very few changes to our routine as I had gained wisdom on the immune system & extensive knowledge of corruption in public health profiteers. The media deemed the fast tracked C19 vaccine as the only effective treatment, safe for all people, even before FDA review

Dec 2022, we receive the medical opinion that our son, now 17, is having subclinical seizures. We are heartbroken all over again. Re-assess the worst case scenario before injection. Read in depth before trading the risk of acute mild illness for a lifetime of chronic conditions.

Never in 18 years did “the herd” try to help us or prevent more harms. Doctors, health insurance, legislators, state health officials, the CDC & FDA - do not ever plan to recognize injuries or cumulative effect of 72+ doses. This is the backstory of the mandates upon us now.
