"And yet the Church endures and the Roman Empire does not. The name of Jesus is on billions of lips. The mighty Caesar Augustus—the emperor when Christ was born—is mostly forgotten." - @DavidAFrench


@dandarling @DavidAFrench must we remind @DavidAFrench, AGAIN, that the entity who warbles congratulations in his ear (figuratively, maybe literally) is NOT THE SON OF GOD your hypocrisy sickens me. you double and treble and quadruple down on your _utterly meaningless "faith"_ you are *sick*. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench you reek of blood unjustly spilt, and yet you mouthe insincere blather about "Christ". don't think you can escape the jaws of the Hound of Heaven forever, David. your money means nothing. your fame means nothing. your marriage to @NancyAFrench is an appalling joke. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench you have been fleeing from Truth most of your life, David, _but you have been CAUGHT!_ do you really imagine, for a moment, that we are the only ones who know who you really are? slither and squirm all you like. it will avail you NOTHING ~Mx. Chara Dreemurr of Pnictogen

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench ugh. I need to wash your stench off me. I loathe having to get near you. but it's my *job*. I am but a messenger. ~Chara ...and a Happy New Year! ~Frisk

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench ah I feel calmer now. (and damper) I'm passionate about such things. I *struggled* with _faith_ for decades. my _faith_ is hard-won and I take it seriously—unlike creatures such as @DavidAFrench, for whom "faith" is both an "absence of doubt" fallacy, and a *public act*. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench look at what this being is doing—he's advertising his "faith" for _money_. this is largely how @DavidAFrench keeps himself wealthy and comfortable: he regurgitates pious-sounding bloviation into a web page or word processor and then sells it to whoever will pay for it. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench his "faith" is _self-promotion_. it's part of the @DavidAFrench brand. lots of neo-fascıst blowhards like him make their money by flavoring their right-wing blather with some form of Christianity. e.g. there's the phony Catholics like @DouthatNYT and Andrew Sullivan. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT but most of the neo-fascıst celebrity crowd are "evangelical", because evangelicism was created by slavedrivers as a sort of fake faith justifying their own spiritual putrescence. it's never changed since: the "moral majority" wave of the '70s was anti-Black in nature. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @franklin_graham's dad, @JerryFalwellJr's dad, and many other evangelical criminals of the '70s wanted to stamp out the resurgent spirit of the ongoing struggle of Black citizens against the "whıte" supremacist culture of the United States. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr the neo-fascıst @GOP made it into a national cause, and in 1980 they scored their greatest victory: by treachery and crooked deals with Iranian hostage-takers, they successfully installed a senile cowboy actor, @RonaldReagan, as a mouthpiece for evangelical bıgotry. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr @GOP @RonaldReagan that's more or less where things stand now, decades later, although the moral and religious putridity of evangelical "Christianity" has grown even more obvious over the years. this fake religion has made @DavidAFrench, and many others like him, wealthy and famous. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr @GOP @RonaldReagan but it is all, in the end, a _public act_. a performance long-practiced. @DavidAFrench started out as a shyster lawyer so he was exceptionally good at _acting_ in public—all lawyers are *actors* in a sense, trained to make well-rehearsed lies sound convincing and sincere. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr @GOP @RonaldReagan @DavidAFrench has turned that ability into a lucrative and durable career as a reactionary, extremist right-wing propagandist. he's one of the best at this game. he's been blithering (for money) about "Christ" for so long, he probably almost believes he's Christian. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr @GOP @RonaldReagan but I have to remind myself that *because* it's all an act, @DavidAFrench is _shackled_ to it in a sense. he really is like that fellow in #CSLewis's "The Great Divorce" who turns up in a corner of Hell with a hammy actor on a chain to do his talking for him. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr @GOP @RonaldReagan #CSLewis's windy actor is exactly equivalent to @DavidAFrench's polished public act. the real personality *behind* the act remains invisible, and I don't doubt that Mr. French goes to enormous lengths to keep that side of himself from slipping out into public view. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr @GOP @RonaldReagan but remember the ultimate lesson of that incident from "The Great Divorce": the melodramatic actor ends up *swallowing* the soul who has him on a chain. chains point both ways, you could say. it gave the lost soul the mere illusion of control over his "tame" actor. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr @GOP @RonaldReagan and the actor, in the end, yanks on the chain. the lost soul disappears, leaving only the actor to go on blathering, much as @DavidAFrench is now almost _compelled_ to go on blathering. yes, *compelled*. Mr. French can't ever stop. he's _committed_. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr @GOP @RonaldReagan @DavidAFrench's power and authority as a propagandist may bring him fame and money, but it also creates subtle bonds of _dependence_. neo-fascıst groups is intrinsically unstable: all bıgots hate each other as well as everyone else so their societies tend to fly apart. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr @GOP @RonaldReagan the anti-cohesive force of dedicated bıgotry that suffuses @DavidAFrench and all his pals—remember, this man took a gap year in Iraq *specifically* to slaughter some brown people—needs to be balanced out by personal loyalties and ties of mutual "faith". ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr @GOP @RonaldReagan even a _fake_ faith will do. but such things need *constant maintenance*. @DavidAFrench no doubt has his ways of keeping his fraudulent "faith" from collapsing utterly. I suspect he watches a lot of violent films. and we think he's got some...*thing* for Jeanne d'Arc. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr @GOP @RonaldReagan all of @DavidAFrench's fellow "Christian" hypocrites have their ways to sustain their equally absurd and self-contradictory "faiths"...but @DavidAFrench *himself* is probably a central pillar of support to dozens or hundreds or thousands of similar neo-fascıst substars. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr @GOP @RonaldReagan he *can't quit*. he can't flag, even for a second, or betray even the tiniest scrap of _doubt_ in public. his act would collapse if that happened. because it's central to @DavidAFrench's appeal that he seems so *stout*, so "faithful". he needs to pretend to be a rock. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr @GOP @RonaldReagan a "rock of ages", perhaps, or a second Petros. anyway it's part of the _public act_. @DavidAFrench must go on pretending, day in and day out, that he's a mighty "Christian" warrior armed in righteousness—even though in reality he's just another bıgoted coward. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr @GOP @RonaldReagan even @DavidAFrench's _murders_ were cowardly. it's quite likely that, however many deaths he caused in Iraq, he never saw a single one of his victims in the face. a man who jokes casually about slaughtering people with high explosives is the opposite of _brave_. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr @GOP @RonaldReagan I loathe @DavidAFrench, but I also pity him. he's trapped himself. he's backed into a corner. he can't show weakness even though his being is ruled by his weaknesses. he may not even be able to help himself. I've wondered that. there's a robotic feeling to his _act_. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr @GOP @RonaldReagan he assiduously runs away from any hint of trouble and puts up a show of blithe indifference to criticism. whenever Frisk or myself have backhanded @DavidAFrench across the face with some truth, he never acknowledges it, but scampers off to comment on some other pet peeve. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr @GOP @RonaldReagan just now he reacted to our analysis of his corruption by gleeful wallowing in that clichéd subject for neo-fascıst bloviation: the (purported) corruption of San Francisco. misery and poverty and death _energize_ this creature, this @DavidAFrench. they sustain him. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr @GOP @RonaldReagan it's _infuriating_ to someone like me. this ongoing public farce that @DavidAFrench perpetrates every day...it gets on my last nerve. my gorge rises at this person. but I must consider that Mr. French may also be doing it _involuntarily_. by reflex, or something worse. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr @GOP @RonaldReagan once again I remember my #CSLewis. "That Hideous Strength", this time, and the character of Augustus Frost, a corrupted philosopher at the center of the "N.I.C.E." conspiracy. Frost has so completely dissociated himself from unpleasant realities that he's now a _doll_. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr @GOP @RonaldReagan increasingly Frost finds himself acting—moving around, saying things, *doing* things—without his conscious intervention. his body just...does these things. #CSLewis's fiction says it's "dark eldils" controlling him. well I don't know about that but...makes you think huh? ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr @GOP @RonaldReagan @DavidAFrench has maintained his bubble universe, his own heavily-defended illusions of himself and his righteousness, for decades now. he's a lawyer, he's good at self-defence. but I think that's also a _weakness_. to live too long cut off from reality is unhealthful. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr @GOP @RonaldReagan I know the feeling of extreme dissociation myself. I've fought it with every tool available—including religious faith. even _doubt_ is more real than complete dissociation. but @DavidAFrench? what tethers *him* to reality? all his friends are _just like him_. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr @GOP @RonaldReagan they're all hypocrites, they're all bıgots, they're all greedy mercenary people who tell lies for money. and some of them probably are stained with blood, just like @DavidAFrench. all of them lean on Mr. French, relying partly upon *him* to sustain their own illusions. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr @GOP @RonaldReagan the _load_ on @DavidAFrench's soul (I'll attempt to credit him with the possession of one still, though I've had legitimate doubts) must be *extreme*. and like I said...he can't publicly admit to *any weakness*. he must pretend he has no _doubt_ without ever slipping. ~Chara

@dandarling @DavidAFrench @NancyAFrench @DouthatNYT @Franklin_Graham @JerryFalwellJr @GOP @RonaldReagan he really does remind me of Augustus Frost. so I wonder if, like Augustus Frost, Mr. @DavidAFrench finds himself doing things, _tweeting_ things...without quite knowing why he did them. and he can't *ever* quit. ~Mx. Chara Dreemurr of Pnictogen
