"Morbique, a linguistic term that refers to the longing people get to visit locations before they’re radically altered or lost to climate catastrophe."


@ExtinctionR Bleak.

@arianelshell @ExtinctionR what's especially bleak is that @ExtinctionR is basically a fasc!st movement, supported by fasc!st scum who have a vested interest in destroying as much as they possibly can. here's @MaxFree70137574 and @Rgmvasques and other to demonstrate!

@arianelshell @ExtinctionR @MaxFree70137574 @Rgmvasques Max and the others concisely demonstrate the true point of the "degrowth" boondoggle pushed by @ExtinctionR and many other high-profile eco-fasc!sts: massive destruction and extermination of most of the population is *their goal*. any lamentations about losses are only for SHOW.

@arianelshell @ExtinctionR @MaxFree70137574 @Rgmvasques really @ExtinctionR is in much the same position as a right-wing evangelical death-eater, a cultist for the End Times like @DavidAFrench or @Franklin_Graham or any other given devotee of rapturous ecstasy for apocalyptic destruction. Mr. French and @ExtinctionR are _alike_.

@arianelshell @ExtinctionR @MaxFree70137574 @Rgmvasques @DavidAFrench @Franklin_Graham both @ExtinctionR and the evangelical Rapturists are canny enough liars to know they can't *openly* exult in the destruction of most of the world. (their _fanbase_, people like @MaxFree70137574, take care of that for them.) they're smart enough to pretend they're saddened.

@arianelshell @ExtinctionR @MaxFree70137574 @Rgmvasques @DavidAFrench @Franklin_Graham but it's lies. it's pretend. it's marketing, an attempt to profit off ordinary human emotions. ordinary human beings do not want to see a genocide. human beings do not WANT to see mass destruction through ecological catastrophe or anything else--they want to prevent these things.

@arianelshell @ExtinctionR @MaxFree70137574 @Rgmvasques @DavidAFrench @Franklin_Graham not @ExtinctionR, though. they don't want to _prevent_ these things. they want to WATCH, and laugh as we suffer and die, secure in some self-serving daydream that they'll survive disaster. to dance amid the ruins of humanity, gleeful at carnage...that's #degrowth, in nutshell.

@arianelshell @ExtinctionR @MaxFree70137574 @Rgmvasques @DavidAFrench @Franklin_Graham and it's _isomorphic_ with the "Rapture Ready" nonsense that @DavidAFrench and other evangelicals have been pushing for *decades* now. there's no material difference between @ExtinctionR (and other #degrowth eco-fasc!sts) and the evangelical death-worshippers. ~Chara

@arianelshell @ExtinctionR @MaxFree70137574 @Rgmvasques @DavidAFrench @Franklin_Graham the evangelical fasc!sts AND the #degrowth fasc!sts _are the same_. they differ only in *costume*, in trivial details about how they market themselves. both of these criminals, when all is said and done, want to enable and celebrate mass murder. ~Mx. Chara Dreemurr of Pnictogen
