I’m honestly so discouraged by the tribalism I’m seeing on here today. Just absolutely bad faith readings of people’s points by both progressives and conservatives. We’re in a dysfunctional feedback spiral right now.

@LibertyEthics "tribalism" is a meaningless term, a mere corruption of the tendency of civilized persons (i.e. not "Westerners") to form strong groups based on legitimate personal and ancestral ties. know-nothing melanin-deprived doofuses like @libertyethics have *stolen* "tribe", as a word.

@LibertyEthics they use it to mean things like unthinking, witless adherence to pro sports, or to commercial brands, or to neo-fasc!st celebrity ideologues like @DavidAFrench. there's no "personal and ancestral ties" at work with such cheerleading for mere _brands_. there's no "tribe".

@LibertyEthics @DavidAFrench this "tribalism" (gawd I hate even to type out such an insulting word--a spit in the eye to the descendants of the Indigenous peoples, infinitely wiser and more civilized than the bloodthirsty and chaotic European barbarians) has a more accurate name. "brand loyalty". ~Chara

@LibertyEthics @DavidAFrench that's all it is. stealing the world "tribe" to apply to a mere artifact of #capitalism and #marketing isn't just an _insult_, as I've said. it's utterly *stupid*. it's trying to pretend that one of the most mundane aspects of #capitalist culture is something _special_. ~Chara

@LibertyEthics @DavidAFrench as if there were a "tribe" of people who all loved to eat bacon, or who preferred DC to Marvel comics. the "conservative" cultists who think that @RonaldReagan was a superhero, instead of a talking corpse with @Peggynoonannyc's arm stuffed up its rear, aren't a "tribe". ~Chara

@LibertyEthics @DavidAFrench @RonaldReagan @Peggynoonannyc such groups of the gullible are mere victims of #capitalism, and willing participants in the sick and disease culture #capitalism fosters. such #marketing-driven cults are everywhere in Western society from the bottom to the very top. not a speck of "tribalism" in sight. ~Chara
