I tried to play @Borderlands on Epic Games Launcher, installed via @usebottles with Caffe-7.2. I had several issues with game like crash at startup and Media Foundation videos but i managed to solve it. Let me explain.

@Borderlands has so many backend problems came with engine. First one is game crash at startup. @usebottles links Wine folders to desktop environment, so you don't need to search for folders in prefix. I deleted "Documents/My Games/Borderlands 3" directory.

After folder deletion, i used Epic Games Launcher for verifying game files. I didn't even change DirectX version for the game in ini settings. I'm not sure if this method is played any part of this issue but i enabled both of DX11 and DX12 convertion settings in @usebottles

One of them or all of them solved crash at startup. Note that this problem isn't happen on Heroic Games Launcher. I just really want to manage my Wine prefix to solve different game issues without getting prefix issues, and i choose @usebottles for that.

Second problem is @Borderlands uses Media Foundation for game videos, which means you can't see startup logos or in-game videos. If you can't watch in-game videos, you can't pass some of quests. Imagine you develop a quest lays on video completion.

I tried to install mediafoundation dependency from @usebottles but it isn't solve my problem. So i made small research for how can i achieve this and i found it. There is a user called z0z0z in GitHub and has repository(s) for mediafoundation fixes.

You need to install python2 and wget for your distribution, and .NET 4.0 for your Wine prefix, for running the scripts.

First, you need to download and extract


For me, it is "/home/dhiz/Games/Bottles/LauncherSet", i'm holding multiple game launcher in one Bottle. After find your Bottle location, run this command: WINEPREFIX="/home/dhiz/Games/Bottles/LauncherSet" ./mf-install.sh

If you got any issue about dependencies, solve it in @usebottles . If you encounter any other issues like Windows errors, just ignore it. You need to do same installation thing for


You need to use same WINEPREFIX thing. For me: WINEPREFIX="/home/dhiz/Games/Bottles/LauncherSet" ./install-mf-64.sh After this, you need to copy mfplat.dll in this location to your game *.exe location. Congrats.
