No one should be surprised at what the leak of Alito’s opinion taking away abortion rights revealed. There is a plan, and this is just one part of it.   This is why Mitch McConnell refused to let the Senate consider Judge Merrick Garland.

This is why they eliminated the filibuster for Gorsuch.   This is why they pressured the FBI to tank the Kavanaugh investigation.   This is why they broke the “Garland rule” to stuff Barrett on the Court mid-election.   This is why $580 million was spent to capture the Court.

This is why the Federalist Society was the turnstile for Supreme Court nominees.   This is why anonymous donors wrote checks as big as $17 million to the Judicial Crisis Network for ad campaigns for right-wing nominees.

This is why the apparatus exists of dozens of front groups to write “amicus” briefs in chorus instructing the Court what to do.

And don’t think this ends with abortion. This is also about polluters getting to pollute for free, big corporations being deregulated, dark money being baked into our politics, and minority voters kept out. Buckle up.
