Love hearing about ‘the sanctity of life’ from the same people who have spent the last two years arguing that killing grandma is a small price to pay for being able to sit in an Applebee’s.

Love to hear about ‘the sanctity of life’ from people who think a steady trickle of dead schoolchildren is a small price to pay for their fetish-like gun hobby.

Love hearing about the ‘sanctity of life’ from the same people who were passing laws encouraging you to ram your cars into protesters exhibiting their first amendment rights.

Love hearing about the ‘sanctity of life’ from the people whose national health care plan is ‘fuck you got mine’.

Love hearing about the ‘sanctity of life’ from people who proudly defend a cop’s right to pump a magazine full of lead into a black teenager because they looked at him funny.

Love hearing about the ‘sanctity of life’ from people who think that the second amendment is the proper response to feeling road rage, seeing a strange (black) guy jog in your subdivision or being angry because a (black, of course) kid has his stereo on too loud outside the 7-11.

Love hearing about the ‘sanctity of life’ from the same people who demand that we send war refugees, many of them children, back to their home countries where they’re almost certain to die, especially if they’re brown.

Love hearing about the ‘sanctity of life’ from the governors of Red States who have infant mortality rates that approach those of third world countries.

Love hearing about the ‘sanctity of life’ from the party fighting like hell to allow corporations to poison the land we till, the water we drink and the air we breathe.

Love hearing about the ‘sanctity of life’ from the party that gets rock hard nipples from sending criminals to the electric chair and actively opposes efforts to do DNA testing on new evidence to be sure they’re killing the right guy.

Love hearing about the ‘sanctity of life’ from the people who were so mad they wanted to impeach Joe Biden when he stopped our country’s twenty year campaign of killing Afghanis that had no discernible endgame.

Love hearing about the ‘sanctity of life’ from the same brain geniuses who nailed themselves to a cross every time they were asked to put on a mask during a global pandemic.

Love hearing about the ‘sanctity of life’ from the people trying to vilify private counseling for trans teens, who are about thirty times more likely to kill themselves than straight cis teens.

Love hearing about the ‘sanctity of life’ from the party that vehemently opposes addressing climate change, a phenomenon that is killing by some estimates millions of people every year.…

Love hearing about the ‘sanctity of life’ from the party that not only did nothing about the AIDS crisis, they also mocked and belittled the victims as they died.

Love hearing about the ‘sanctity of life’ from the same people who want to ‘turn the desert into glass’ anytime anything happens in the Middle East.

Love hearing about the ‘sanctity of life’ from the same conservative media complex that dismissed the COVID vaccines and tried to sell their viewers horse paste, when all available scientific data showed they should be doing the opposite to fight the pandemic.

Love hearing about the ‘sanctity of life’ from the people who demanded we arrest volunteers who left water for people crossing the border in the middle of the desert.…

And yes, I especially love to hear about the ‘sanctity of life’ from people who want to forbid abortion even in cases when not doing so might kill or seriously injure the mother, or prevent her from having kids in the future.
