Dave Weigel of the Washington Post is a massive incel misogynist who devotes much of his "coverage" to raging against BIPOC and women. Here he is, whining about how cRiNgE Hillary Clinton is for wearing a "but her emails" cap. Because Weigel has mommy issues. A 🧵.

In spring 2021, COVID was raging through India, with considerable fatalities. Dave Weigel's first thought was to make a racist joke about all Indians being scammers. The Washington Post thinks that Dave Weigel is worth keeping on staff.

More Hillary Derangement Syndrome. I don't know what this is if not some serious mommy issues from Dave Weigel.

Dave Weigel mad that other men make more $ than he does, so he decides to bash Hillary to comfort himself.

Dave Weigel has such contempt for the public that he takes pictures of his car mirror WHILE DRIVING!

Dave Weigel is a libertarian who became a Bernie Bro. As such he really hates Democrats and women in general.

Dave Weigel confirming the only way he can get a date is if he pays for it.

Dave Weigel hocking Chapo Trap House's book. This is not a neutral journalist. (h/t @bondwolfie)

This is really something. Dave Weigel tried to blame *Democrats* for Bush not picking a Hispanic Supreme Court justice. GFY!

Dave Weigel accuses Kirsten Gillibrand of stealing her platform from Matt Bruenig because of some superficial similarities and inspiration from Finnish policy. Getting tired of these incel journalists doing everything they can to prevent the US from having a woman president.

Dave Weigel using his Twitter clout to FUNDRAISE FOR MATT BRUENIG'S GRIFT.

Dave Weigel claiming that Havana Syndrome was a "scam", when this is far from conclusive, and JAMA agrees that there might be something there. This is not a journalist. This is an incel trying to be edgy.

Dave Weigel using his status as a journalist for a "reputable" news outlet like the Washington Post to promote Chapo Trap House.

One of Dave Weigel's hobby horses is to ask various people to "go on Chapo". He's leveraging his position at the Washington Post to promote a podcast of antisemitic, racist misogynists who make rape jokes.

Dave Weigel retweeting Breitbart to claim that Lena Dunham, then a stalwart public supporter of mainstream Democrats, lied about being raped.

Dave Weigel mansplaining feminism and anti-rape advocacy.

Dave Weigel promotes rape culture. Incel piece of shit.

Dave Weigel, who is heterosexual, quotes William F. Buckley to call someone an antigay slur.

What did he mean by this?

Yikes. Why's that your favorite part, Dave?

Why would you retweet this, Dave? Are you a pedophile?

Note the date. Dave Weigel intimating that racism ended because Obama was elected president.

I guess everyone not white has to show a birth certificate? Again, this is a columnist for the Washington Post acting this way, and nobody cares.

What does this even mean? It feels misogynistic but I don't even know what this means.

Holy shit, Dave, this is disgusting. You do NOT make jokes about rape and post *graphic images of it*. ANYONE ELSE would be fired for this shit. Why aren't journalists? (h/t @giannis_mvp and @rainnyseattle)

@giannis_mvp @rainnyseattle Wow, what a lazy job. No other profession could get away with this shit.

@giannis_mvp @rainnyseattle Dumb rape joke from Dave Weigel.

OH MY GOD HE ADMIT IT! He wanted a long, drawn out primary.


Reminder to everyone that Weigel worked for the right wing libertarian rag "Reason".

Thoughts and prayers, by Dave Weigel.

These inadequate manchildren run our media. Dave Weigel crying that he's not one of the cool kids. Honestly, we need less socially inept white men in the media. These fucks will do anything to be popular with other white men, which inevitably means shitting on women and BIPOC.

Nothing to see here, just Dave Weigel joking about September 11th was funny. Tee hee, please like me white bros!

Dave Weigel openly admitting that: ✅He has no friends ✅None of his acquaintances invite him to anything, and all the social gatherings he goes to are press corps related and/or open to everyone

Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, and Nancy Pelosi seem to be the biggest targets of the impotent rage of inadequate white male media bros, but they really have it out for RBG too.

Comfort women were women forced into sexual slavery by imperial Japan and systematically raped. Dave Weigel thinks this is funny and jokes about acquiring them. Dave Weigel tells rape joke after rape joke, and WaPo keeps him on.

That said, Dave Weigel's sex perversion, hatred of women, and sociopathy has a deep, dark root. I can confirm today that he is the biological son of serial killer John Wayne Gacy.

Dave Weigel deciding to take an unrelated criticism of the ACLU to shit on RBG.

(H/t @guiltypanacea) Dave Weigel, doesn't care about abortion rights, solely blames RBG dying for the fall of Roe, as though it wasn't game over from the moment Kavanaugh replaced Kennedy. Getting sick of these men only talking about abortion rights to shit on RBG.

Dave Weigel retweeting some super misogynistic shit, and getting away with it. (H/t @stephnav and @feliciasonmez)

Dave Weigel got some rare pushback for the above and he gave this lame excuse. No apology for retweeting bigoted misogyny in a professional capacity.

Dave Weigel calling women b*tches on his official Washington Post twitter account, and nothing ever happens to him.

Dave Weigel thinks violence and degradation of women is a punchline, @washingtonpost.

Dave Weigel thinks it's funny to look down (on?) women and oppress them.

Dave Weigel thinks it's hilarious and an opportunity to joke about "furries" when he heard that members of the Disney cast in costume groped women.

Women existing is irritating to Dave Weigel.

(h/t @xiruxi). Dave Weigel makes another fucking rape joke.

@xiruxi Dave Weigel thinks it's funny to joke about comparisons of public criticism to rape, slavery, and lynching. Only a cishet white man can get away with this behavior.

(H/T @NewbieHoward) Joe Biden's son died, and Dave Weigel thought it was appropriate to say "whatever you think of Joe Biden" like he was some war criminal. What a disgusting piece of shit. I hope he's crying over the pushback he's receiving.

Dave Weigel is the fashion police, criticizing women for wearing T-shirts and leggings to a protest. WTF.

For the record, I've found most of these misogynistic tweets by just looking for all the times Weigel has tweeted the word "women". Like this time he trivialized the concerns of NOW for the GOP senate holding up Loretta Lynch's confirmation.

Weigel was suspended by @washingtonpost without pay but that's not enough. He needs to be fired. He tweeted Todd Akin's "legitimate rape won't get you pregnant" line with the hashtag "Aspen ideas", implying he planned to rape someone in Aspen. #FireDaveWeigel #StandWithSonmez

(Screenshot to the above)

Dave Weigel thinks that lying about rape is worse than actual rape. #FireDaveWeigel #StandWithSonmez

Dave Weigel actually believes that false rape accusations are something that are common (they aren't) and that "people tend to believe victims", which is sadly also not true. And he knows it. #FireDaveWeigel #StandWithSonmez

Dave Weigel thinks that indigenous Americans are dirty. #FireDaveWeigel #StandWithSonmez

Dave Weigel, upon hearing that an Army sexual assault prevention coordinator was accused of sexual assault, said "Who among us [haven't been accused]". This is disgusting! #FireDaveWeigel #StandWithSonmez

Dave Weigel mocked a publication for using inclusive language and a woman called him out. Dave Weigel responded by posting a picture of her to mock her appearance. This is a @washingtonpost journalist who needs to be fired. #FireDaveWeigel #StandWithSonmez

@washingtonpost Dave Weigel thinks it's okay for people to confuse Barack Obama with Osama bin Laden. #FireDaveWeigel

@washingtonpost Dave Weigel "joking" about letting women vote. He's a raging misogynist and a lumbering hostile work environment. #FireDaveWeigel

Dave Weigel, who is a German, thinks "Jews for Jesus" got it right. WTF.

What did Dave Weigel mean by this? #FireDaveWeigel

Dave Weigel tells a "Jews control the Media" joke but gives himself plausible deniability by saying they did in the past.

Dave Weigel thinks that a guy in his 40s having sex with a 17 year old is okay.

David Weigel thinks grown women are "girls". (H/t @EvidenceBaseShi for this one, @BondWolfie for the one above it).

@EvidenceBaseShi @BondWolfie (h/t @bondwolfie) Dave Weigel's racism started in his family.

@EvidenceBaseShi @BondWolfie (h/t @bondwolfie) HOLY FUCK, DAVE WEIGEL WORE A BLACKFACE MASK AS A HALLOWEEN COSTUME IN 2013. @washingtonpost I demand you fire him. #FireDaveWeigel

@EvidenceBaseShi @BondWolfie @washingtonpost There is a word that means stingy that sounds like the n-word. There is no reason to use this word, when there are plenty of synonyms for it. Dave Weigel uses it because it sounds like the n-word. #FireDaveWeigel

@EvidenceBaseShi @BondWolfie @washingtonpost Dave Weigel thinks Cuban food is "probably fatal". #FireDaveWeigel

@EvidenceBaseShi @BondWolfie @washingtonpost Dave Weigel agreeing with right winger Michelle Malkin that Justice Sotomayor isn't wise, because they both hate Hispanics. #FireDaveWeigel

@EvidenceBaseShi @BondWolfie @washingtonpost Yikes. Dave Weigel thinks that the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, which killed an estimated 227,898 people in 14 countries, is something to joke about. #FireDaveWeigel

@EvidenceBaseShi @BondWolfie @washingtonpost Dave Weigel was denied a press pass to cover a Pat Buchanan event, and he compared himself to Steve Biko, a Black anti-apartheid activist in South Africa who was MURDERED by the white apartheid regime. #FireDaveWeigel

@EvidenceBaseShi @BondWolfie @washingtonpost Dave Weigel doesn't want DHS to monitor right-wing extremists because it would hurt his friends. #FireDaveWeigel

@EvidenceBaseShi @BondWolfie @washingtonpost Dave Weigel despises Democrats, stating that the only way Joe Biden could look "on-the-ball" is in comparison to the unqualified Sarah Palin.

@EvidenceBaseShi @BondWolfie @washingtonpost (h/t @stephnav) Dave Weigel advertising the far-left Chapo Trap House and the horseshoe left Bad Faith Podcast, which at the time was hosted by Virgil Texas. He was outed as a pedophile about two weeks later. What did Dave Weigel know and when did he know it?

(H/t @bondwolfie) Dave Weigel disappointed that a list of left wing talking points doesn't include the left being more racist. @washingtonpost doesn't think this is a fireable offense.

@BondWolfie @washingtonpost (h/t @DiNunzioE) Dave Weigel thinks using the N-word is okay #FireDaveWeigel

@BondWolfie @washingtonpost @DiNunzioE The word in question is in reference to Rick Perry's ranch, but there is no reason Dave Weigel had to type it out, or retweet "jokes" using a racial slur for Jews. This is so unprofessional. Suspension isn't enough. The @washingtonpost needs to #FireDaveWeigel.

@BondWolfie @washingtonpost @DiNunzioE Dave Weigel *loves* that Rick Perry had a family ranch that involved the n-word, because now he can use it over and over as a quotation.

@BondWolfie @washingtonpost @DiNunzioE Charles Murray wrote "The Bell Curve", which is a white supremacist book stating Black people have low IQs and used bad data from a white supremacist group called the Pioneer Fund. It was also not peer reviewed. Dave Weigel mocks people who criticize Charles Murray for racism.

@BondWolfie @washingtonpost @DiNunzioE Dave Weigel retweeted Andrew Sullivan's article defending Charles Murray's Bell Curve and wrote "popcorn", suggesting a tacit approval.

@BondWolfie @washingtonpost @DiNunzioE (h/t @AshaRangappa_) Dave Weigel asked Asha Rangappa to "not tweet" for no reason. Where were the calls of compassion from the blue check men? Dave Weigel hates Indians and he hates women and he's proven it above over and over. @WashingtonPost, #FireDaveWeigel

@BondWolfie @washingtonpost @DiNunzioE @AshaRangappa_ Another good compilation of Dave Weigel's anti-Indigenous sentiment from @HellcatBruce.

@BondWolfie @washingtonpost @DiNunzioE @AshaRangappa_ @HellcatBruce Today Felicia Sonmez was fired for "insubordination" (which is a funny way to say "whistleblowing") while Dave Weigel was only suspended. Dave Weigel thinks it's funny to joke about a man forcing a woman to watch porn, asking "what kind of porn was it"? #FireDaveWeigel

Dave Weigel says that women deserve to be treated certain ways because of how they dress, and @washingtonpost fired Felicia Sonmez for being a whistleblower. #FireDaveWeigel

Dave Weigel whines about Jews making him work/blog on Christmas, and @washingtonpost fired Felicia Sonmez for being a whistleblower. #FireDaveWeigel

(H/t @LupusErogare) Dave Weigel has publicly been harassing Felicia Sonmez for more than a decade and @washingtonpost fires Sonmez. #IStandWithFelicia #FireDaveWeigel

Dave Weigel was mansplaining to Felicia Sonmez as far back as 2012, and @washingtonpost fires *her*.

This is illustrative. Felicia Sonmez retweets an excerpt of an Obama campaign speech, which is how journos should use Twitter. Weigel then makes a racial joke implying Obama wants the Black Panthers to indoctrinate kids. Yet *she* gets fired and *he's* a "star"?

Felicia Sonmez speaks Chinese and trained in that regard. Not many reporters in WaPo's political bureau have that, which is relevant as the first gen Chinese-American population grows. And they fire *her*. What's Weigel's skill set? An encyclopedic knowledge of rape "jokes"?

Dave Weigel approvingly retweets someone saying that the reason he has tech issues is because of all the porn he downloads, and they only suspend him and fire the woman who uncontroversially stated he might be a misogynist. #FireDaveWeigel #IStandWithFelicia

Dave Weigel is so eager to display that he's a misogynist that he accuses Katy Perry, without evidence and in a derogatory way, of being a porn star, and the @washingtonpost thinks that Felicia Sonmez is the problem. #FireDaveWeigel #IStandWithFelicia

@washingtonpost Dave Weigel is not defending pedophile Anthony Weiner, but [Weigel handwaves and defends him]. And WaPo fires Felicia Sonmez.

@washingtonpost If anyone else did this, it would rightly be considered a hostile work environment, yet Felicia Sonmez is the one who gets fired for being a whistleblower. #FireDaveWeigel #IStandWithFelicia

@washingtonpost Dave Weigel, upon hearing Greece was having trouble fielding an Olympic team, was to tell them to do it naked, because he's a sick fuck. He's every stereotype of a sexist office employee and WaPo gives him a slap on the wrist while Felicia Sonmez gets fired. #FireDaveWeigel

@washingtonpost Dave Weigel is asking people to "step it up" with *jizz jokes*. Jizz jokes. He only gets suspended for being an unprofessional pervert for years and Felicia Sonmez, the woman with a Harvard BA who speaks Chinese gets fired. #FireDaveWeigel

@washingtonpost Dave Weigel, as a journalist for one of America's papers of record, retweets an account that tweets every word when it tweets "semen", like an adolescent boy. Yet Felicia Sonmez, who does not behave like this but instead is a whistleblower, gets fired. #FireDaveWeigel

@washingtonpost Dave Weigel tweeting about asking someone to lick his balls. The @washingtonpost considers him indispensable and fired Felicia Sonmez for objecting to misogyny.

@washingtonpost Dave Weigel, again, retweeting tweets about genitalia, and yet Felicia Sonmez get fired for objecting to this man creating a hostile work environment.

@washingtonpost Dave Weigel blaming Cubans for JFK's assassination. #FireDaveWeigel

@washingtonpost Dave Weigel retweets someone making a racist jibe at Jose Canseco and adds "RT not endorsement". Ass.
