Big lie couper Joe Oltmann says he has a new plan to "take back the country" using his org FEC United Note: the doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate (those in power who commit injustices can be removed by lesser powers) is a call to violence when it comes from Oltmann. #CultRight

@cscnme To further back you up: That Matthew Trewhella he quotes is a Christian Nationalist who led a paramilitary "militia" called Missionaries to the Preborn and is one of the points of 'crossover' between NAR and Christian Identity types in particular 1/x

@cscnme Trewhella also has been linked to the "Constitution Party", formerly known as the US Taxpayer's Party, a Christian Nationalist party that has pushed neo-Confederate and secessionist movements in many states 2/x…

@cscnme Trewhella's "Missionaries to the Preborn" is one of two major Christian Nationalist terrorist groups that have attacked women's clinics, and (much like the better known Army of God) have insurgent networks and publish a terrorist manual... 3/x

@cscnme including claiming that legalized abortion is a casus belli for the formation of paramilitaries for the explicit purpose of overthrowing the US government and establishing a Christian Nationalist theocratic state. Trewhella actually housed a terrorist in his basement, 4/x

@cscnme who actually drew up a full plan for Army of God-esque terrorism, including clinic bombings and targeted assassinations of clinic workers and staff. The MTTP terrorist/paramilitary manual used to actually be sold at USTP Wisconsin state conventions 5/x

@cscnme Trewhella is also a signatory to Paul Hill's (of the Army of God, the better-known Christian Nationalist terrorist group in the US) "Defensive Action Statement", stating that the targeted assassination of clinic staff at women's clinics was "justifiable homicide" 6/x

@cscnme And it should be noted that there is in fact evidence that Army of God organizers and convicted Army of God terrorists were participants in the Great Sedition on January 6th 2021 7/x…

@cscnme Trewhella has also promoted ideas that apparently the intent of equal rights movements (and really, women working or existing outside the home and not having "quiverfulls" of children) is in part meant to neuter kids, and even Sarah Palin wasn't acceptable... 8/x

@cscnme NOT because Palin wasn't a Christian Nationalist, but...because she was a woman. In fact, Trewhella has actually called for women to be stripped of civil rights entirely, including the right to vote or hold property in their own name 9/x

@cscnme Trewhella has also explicitly called for the forced roundup of LGBTQIA people in concentration camps, and has explicitly refused to buy health insurance (using an extremely anti-Semitic catchphrase) 10/x…

@cscnme Oh, and Trewhella is also (unsurprisingly) a covid denialist (and has used crypto-anti-Semitic arguments to go against public health measures), but the actual covid denial is on the LIGHT end of just how extreme he gets 11/x

@cscnme So that "Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates" that Trewhella is pushing (and which Oltmann invokes) is basically a very old Calvinist argument to the effect of "When a king or other official acts in an un-Christian manner, lesser authorities are free to Ignore or even 12/x

@cscnme depose that authority". It's been heavily adopted by Christian Nationalists and sovereign-citizen types as an excuse to outright disobey laws and even as an argument for violent insurrection 13/x…

@cscnme Christian Nationalists and sovcit types have especially glommed to this, both because of its history within Protestantism (and also particularly because of history re the English Civil War) *and* it was used as *some* of the justification for the American Revolution 14/x

@cscnme In practice by Christian Nationalist terrorist groups (like the Army of God, or MTTP)--including Trewhella's group--it's actually been used as not only justification for things like jury nullification and states claiming "nullification" but murder of perceived enemies 15/x

@cscnme Specifically, Trewhella explicitly promotes states and municipalities blatantly disregarding "unjust" national laws, and even calling for violent resistance including secession and overthrowing of the legitimate US government in his book on the subject 16/x

@cscnme So yes, tl;dr they're explicitly calling for creation of a Christian Nationalist neo-Confederacy, and (when the US government attempts to enforce federal law) actively attempting to overthrow the US government a la January 6th to establish a dictatorship 17/x

@cscnme (And people still, to this day, do not know *how* close we actually came to that happening on J6. I'm sure we will find out much more in the J6 hearings just how close we came, but pretty much any #exvangelical or political researcher who's studied Christian Nationalism 18/x

@cscnme can tell you that we came *EXTREMELY* close on J6 to America's own version of the Romanian Iron Guard (aka a group of fascists that even the Nazis were horrified by due to their sheer violence) and to a national hell to the right of the fictional Republic of Gilead 19/end

@dogemperor Jesusland. And thank you, that was a hell of a "back up" 😁 I have posted enough about the authoritarian theocracy we are headed into, people know what I think of it, but you definitely added some obvious evidence.

@cscnme Oh I have plenty more where that came from (Was raised damn close to patient zero, if not the church that WAS patient zero, of the NAR and I have pretty much refused to shut up for a long time)
