"Without vision the people perish" When nothing matters, everything matters (thread)

When nothing holds primary significance When there is no vision, mission, or top priority Every petty little thing slides into that slot because it's vacant When nothing matters, everything matters

Things that are so insignificant in the grand scheme of things become massively inflated in significance When there is no bigger picture, every miniscule thing gets blown up and becomes the big picture Foolish petty things get blown out of proportion...

a pimple, a bad hair day a awkward conversation a rejection a bit of criticism what someone said to you something you did These tiny things which should normally be insignificant, end up being lingered on A disproportionately irrational amount of care is given

When there is a vision, a objective, a mission, a priority The slot for what matters is filled The slot for what you care about is filled Thinking becomes locked in on the main things that matter In that state of mind, when there is a bigger picture...

You're no longer weighed down by the little things - What will they think - What if I make a mistake - How do I look You don't care, All the care is allocated to the vision "Does this contribute to the vision?" "Does this advance the mission?" Yes or No

In this state you'll notice you do more, express more, ask more, give more, attempt more You become preoccupied with winning Not trying to look like a winner When nothing matters, everything matters "Without vision the people perish" Thank you for reading, - Yous
