The reason I’m opposing #Agnipath is because you don’t want every random, unemployed Indian man to be even basically combat trained. It’s very very bad for women. I am predicting a rise in VAW after the first stint ends.

Update: looks like rw trolls have discovered this tweet. Here’s the thing, study after study shows that those who work in professions that require coercion often bring back those behaviours home and back into society.

Here’s something from the UK…

This one argues that IPV may be higher amongst military populations.…

This study on correctional officers also highlights domestic violence…

This study says “studies have found that rates of veteran perpetration of IPV are up to three times higher than among civilians.”…

There are various other studies from different countries that link combat, PTSD and generally raised levels of aggression amongst veterans, for instance.

I just think it is a bad idea to train people in violence and release them back into society with zero oversight. The US is seeing the problems with lots of short term enlisted kids who went to fight overseas and became maladjusted.
