Thread🧵 Twitter is hiring a TON of FBI agents. Searching employment websites, it is clear Twitter has been extensively recruiting from the FBI, employing a dozen former feds. My new @mintpressnews investigation explores why and what this means for us.…

Twitter has also been recruiting from the CIA, NATO and the Atlantic Council. Nearly all of these hires have been in politically sensitive fields like trust, safety and security, allowing these organizations to influence its rules and content.

Twitter is also openly "collaborating" with the FBI, with the bureau instructing it on general security and on which accounts to suppress and delete.

Last year this close collaboration with the national security state was on show after Twitter announced it deleted 100 accounts for the violation of "undermining faith in NATO". [Link to my story on it at the time]…

This is a problem because, as we see time and again, the US national security state is the source of many of the most egregious falsehoods anywhere. The idea they should be involved in deciding what is true and false info for the entire world is deeply disturbing.

Check out this guy's employment history! What a career arc!

This isn't just happening at Twitter though. For instance, read my investigation into the extraordinary amount of NATO operatives that TikTok has been hiring to manage its content, trust and security.…

Also check out my @MintPressNews investigation into a former Middle East war planner for the Atlantic Council (NATO) that Reddit mysteriously appointed as their new Director of Policy– despite the fact she had virtually no relevant qualifications.…

@MintPressNews The take home message of all this is that the US national security state is silently acquiring extensive influence over the algorithms that decide what we all see online. And very few people are aware this is even going on. So check out the report here:…
