Hey did you know the declassification of homosexuality from the DSM was engineered by a cabal of closeted psychiatrists who met with activists in gay bars to plan a political takeover of the APA They didn't "discover" that it wasn't pathological, they just got gays on the board

The "landmark" paper used to justify the change, "The Adjustment of the Male Overt Homosexual", was a sample of 30 gays hand-picked by the Mattachine Society, who had been screened for exactly the kinds of social disturbances that the test was supposed to disprove

Both straights & gays had to talk about ink blots, paste comic strips together, & interpret ambiguous pictures Then 3rd parties tried to tell gay results from straight, which ofc they couldn't So you see it's impossible to tell us apart psychologically


Oh they also referenced Kinsey, whose "research" amounted to asking around at his own bisexual swinger parties & transcribing the wank journals of serial pedophiles

Anyway they brag about this stuff on NPR now


Would you believe that one of the writers of This American Life, Alix Spiegel, is the granddaughter of the (closeted) (boy-loving) President of the APA who presided over the change? Crazy coincidence & she's like wow what a complicated legacy
