These KDP publishing tips brought in $105,517.44 from 16books. You will learn them for FREE today, This post might be deleted soon !!!

1. Publish books that provides value I have seen lots of people get into Amazon Kdp publishing because they hear you can take in top dollars. Yes you can but first you need to provide value with the books you are publishing. That also means you need to write for an audience.

So what the first tip means is you must research well before wasting your time to bombard kdp platform with worthless books. Mediocrity won't get you this kind of results I'm talking about. Over 100k.

2. Create quality books I have seen books on kdp with so much bad reviews that you will know this books had died on arrival. This has happened to me before, even though the topic was good, it was serving an audience well but it was poorly written.

My ghostwriter delivered a bad job and I didn't check well before publishing it. That one book could doing around $50 to $100 daily at it's peak before bad reviews killed it. I published another and couldn't get same result as the first one. Why? Amazon only can answer that.

3. Once this KDP business starts to bring in some good dollars, SCALE the f**k up. So how do you scale? A. Create more books for that audience. B. Help solve other problems the audience might have and link all the books. C. Build a brand in the niche.

D. Start running Amazon Ads to the books doing good with good reviews. The issue with Amazon ads when it comes with books is you make more sales with books already doing well not new books. It's easy to pour fuel in a fire already burning than starting a fire.
