(1) Just one more post about Shinzo Abe ... This is a picture of Abe in an airplane with the number '731' doing the thumbs-up with a big, shit-eating grin on his face? "So what?", I hear you ask. The number refers to Unit 731, an Imperial Japanese Army unit based in ...

(2) ... north-eastern China from 1931 until 1945. They carried out many "experiments" in germ warfare, chemical warfare, and the development of weapons based on pathogens and chemicals. They also carried out many barbaric acts of human torture: cutting people into pieces ...

(3) ... freezing them, burning them, starving them, putting them in hypobaric chambers ... and pretty much every other form of torture you can imagine (and many you can't). Around 500,000 Chinese people died in utter agony and horror at the hand of Unit 731. After the war ...

(4) ... all the people involved were either tried and executed (by the Soviets and Chinese), or given full pardons in exchange for their 'experimental data' (by the Americans). This is what Abe found so funny, and approved of. This is exactly what he was referring to in this ...

(5) ... picture. So, this is the kind of person Abe was. This is the equivalent of a German politician doing thumbs up under the 'Arbeit Macht Frei' gates of Auschwitz. So, yeah. Abe was not a 'good guy', or one of the 'good ones'. He was scum. His death was not a tragedy.
