Most managers do regular 1-on-1 meetings with employees. But few do them very well. Here are 11 things I've seen good managers do that bad managers don’t in 1-on-1 meetings: (1/x)

✅GOOD MANAGERS focus 1-1 meetings on the most important items on the report’s mind. They ask questions, probe, and coach. ❌BAD MANAGERS think 1-1 meetings with “more is always” better. They focus on surface stuff and avoid real issues.

✅GOOD MANAGERS encourage reports to cancel 1-1 meetings sometimes. Best to focus on the mission then. ❌BAD MANAGERS want the employee in their office kissing the ring. They focus on activities rather than results.

✅GOOD MANAGERs make the 1-1 meeting the EMPLOYEE’s meeting. The manager focuses on helping the employee achieve their mission. ❌BAD MANAGERS make the 1-1 meeting about themselves, gossip, set the agenda, and do all the talking.

✅GOOD MANAGERS shut out distractions and 100% focus on the meeting during 1-1s. ❌BAD MANAGERS glance at their phones or email repeatedly during the 1-1. Some do other work or take calls, showing what they really think of the report.

✅GOOD MANAGERS mix up the 1-1 meetings by making them sometimes walking meetings, in-person, or often voice-only phone calls. ❌BAD MANAGERS insist on reports only coming to their office or Zoom and sitting at attention.

✅GOOD MANAGERS know 1-1 meetings aren’t all about business. They care about what’s going on both in and out of the office for employees. ❌BAD MANAGERS only talk about the mission. They say, "Leave your feelings and ambitions at home! And no fun!"

✅GOOD MANAGERS take notes. They remember details for follow-ups and the next 1-1. This shows care for the employee. ❌BAD MANAGERS say “send me this or that from this meeting." They forget what they hear week after week.

✅GOOD MANAGERS prioritize 1-1 meetings as standing meetings. They know Tuesdays or Monday afternoons are best, so people are fresh. ❌BAD MANAGERS make an employee stumble into their office on Friday (before lunch) to report what they did for them this week.

✅GOOD MANAGERS ask open-ended questions in 1-1’s like “What’s on your mind?” and “What could be going better?” They find what's not being said and look to help. ❌BAD MANAGERS forget the big picture in 1-1s while worrying about unimportant details or company politics.

✅GOOD MANAGERS celebrate wins in 1-1's. They know that reports are working hard and benefit from acknowledgment. ❌BAD MANAGERS never say “Nice work!” or "Thanks!" They don’t get that builds the trust needed when it’s time to criticize.

✅GOOD MANAGERS make time in 1-1s to talk about the work: Are you happy here? What are your dreams or ambitions? How can I help? ❌BAD MANAGERS hope that not talking about growth or salary or even finding another job will make those things go away.

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