(1/x) Lets take a step back and analyse what this (+bounty changes) actually means with no hyperbole: - Top Lane now less impact on map, but more easily attacked and snowballed by mid/jgl/sup. - More RNG (some dragon significantly stronger than others)

(2/x) - Early champions more important, especially mid, less ability to mitigate early laning. TP more important in losing matchups for sustain. - Split pushing not hurt that much, because it's tp advantage across team that matters most (hard 1v1 split pushing already weak).

(3/x) - Because champions more important, less skill expression potential (champion decide matchup more, not player skill, although individual outplays can snowball winning matchup) - Dragon reduced damage necessary (because more hp so in combat longer early), dragon 3-4 low risk

(4/x) Things to follow: - With stated changes to objective bounties (away from dragons/turrets) and with dragon buffs, this has potential to remove comeback potential - Globals become a lot more powerful

(5/x) Is this a "good" thing? - Team fights more important, snowballing more important, more action early. - Much less strategic diversity, every game will play out very similarly. No reason to take risk with lead vs dragon stacking (see EG vs TSM where EG give up early soul rush

for a top lane pick -> baron) - For casual fan, will make game easier to understand (draft + team fighting). Nerf to "smart" macro teams (e.g. RNG). - Making such large changes like this mid way through a split with playoffs 2 patches away is very scary for competitive integrity.

My final thoughts: - Although I personally dislike changes that make the game more formulaic and remove skill expression, I don't think sky is falling. - Make game easier to understand for casual fans with an NA worlds coming soon. - More opportunities to force "highlight" plays

because teams forced to contest from deficit -> more chances for winning team to get highlights. Easier to lane bully from ahead. This (arguably) creates more hype. - Top has agency (set up team to destroy enemy top with roams). - Wish changes like this would not happen mid split
