Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Romeo:

@JohnnaCrider1 Hey Johnna, Im listening to the podcast at the 22min mark, you and Elon are discussing the carbon sequestering Quick visual poem I dont want money, i just want to leave this planet hospitable for all children, maybe join MuskFoundation So a quick few posts to summarize the idea.

@JohnnaCrider1 So compressed CO2 is dry ice, it can be stored by recycling the oceans of plastic waste, think Coca-cola. It holds CO2 gas -semi decently- So we build "ice coolers" and seal them off full of dry ice. Storage can range from years to decades. Use the blocks to minecraft pyramids.

@JohnnaCrider1 This will clean oceans of pollutants, give us viable ways to recycle plastic, it will sequester the CO2 safely, can be used to IMMEDIATELY and RAPIDLY refreeze melting glacials, lock up water so coastal areas dont flood... think colder than even the antartic...

@JohnnaCrider1 So in engineering there are really cool old tech using P/N junction between two base metals to transfer energy/current/etc. We use them as pilot lights in stoves, thermocouplings. They are also called TEG, thermoelectric generators. Portable camping chargers use them.

@JohnnaCrider1 So onsite production is possible for multiple use cases. The dry ice is also a mainstay for Deepsea fisheries, meat storage plants, grocery markets, ORGAN TRANSPLANTS and for hospital biomedical... so lotsa potential uses and sources of revenue to make everyone happy... economy

@JohnnaCrider1 And hey, it makes a hella nice Geothermal AC unit in 120 weather, pop a tent up, throw in some ice blocks sealed in plastic cubes... and since the gas cant escape, it stays compressed pretty well... Think of how much it could save energy grids? and... an even better concet next

@JohnnaCrider1 BITCOIN MINING!?!? whaaaat? Yes, Elon, build oil heaters that are mining rigs! Run them full throttle and disperse the heat via mineral oil to radiate for cold climate areas. Instead of just using resistance and wasted electricity to create heat mine profitably and capture heat.

@JohnnaCrider1 And to make this prospect appealable to the dum dums regulators... negotiate a plan with utility companies for set rate pay... In summer, use IceBlocks to cool the dwellings, versus draw from AC power grid. Stake a portion of that energy into longterm storage for winter mining.

@JohnnaCrider1 Being as people actually use a horribly inefficient method to convert current into heat, what is the difference if the heat becomes a "byproduct" of mining with rigs... At least its got more viable economical purpose.... Makes profit, provides heat as offshoot of operation.

@JohnnaCrider1 Cut the electric company on a piece of the BTC and they'll jump on it, since they're going to be taking the hit on the power grid anyways. They can earn staking off mining AND get paid per kilowatt used. Lowest resistance is the path of most agreeable solutions. They would lobby4

@JohnnaCrider1 So in effect, briefly... Clean water for agriculture from ocean, plastic pollution, co2 sequestering, free AC in summer, Free bitcoin mining in winter, medical/meat/foodstorage, and going carbon negative.... And thats just the tip of the iceberg. New economical ecology. win win.

@JohnnaCrider1 I'm trying to cater to all the climate boss mafias who make bank already trashing the planet keeping status quo going downhill for the extra carbon credits and such. Theres a piece of the pie for them too! Can make it twice as profitable to clean Earth up then trash it...

@JohnnaCrider1 I've pitched this to the UN climate change conferences for years, but they are happy trashing Earth for a pittance when they could be making triple bank Pitched to MIT harvard NatGeo and many other businesses. So too bad, they can buy the Musk Foundation Products at primo prices.
