Fact: No one wanted to buy some books. GC transphobe: This is trans peoples fault! “An example of the fascism of cancel culture”!

So many of the myths that are spread about trans people in 🇬🇧 are based on *less* than this… …and this is nothing.

The same person making up this conspiracy from whole cloth, has also retweeted the recent Nicene Creed of GC transphobia… …and it’s all transphobic nonsense that’s been made up in the same way:

• false definition of “transexual” • debunked “AGP” conspiracy • misquotes the already made up statistics on transition

• salient exemplar fallacy • conflating trans people and criminals by rhetorical sleight of hand • basing views on trans people on *pornography* rather than reality.

• misrepresentation of trans medical care as “experimental” • flat out lies about the effect of puberty blockers which are used on cis kids with precious puberty without this ever happening…

• lies about desistance which are based dodgy studies which pumped up numbers by including on people who weren’t trans and torturing people • unironically using homophobic tropes • only to then accuse others of homophobia(!)

• “TERF” has never meant that. • transphobes are seeking to take existing rights (to spaces, inclusion, sports…) away from trans people. The “defence” is an illusion.

All of this is tissue paper thin nonsense. Every single part of it is half truths and flat dishonesty. The Emperor’s new clothes are an apt metaphor… …for GC transphobia.

Watching a new lie be woven in real time is laughable. When you’ve seen them grow and become articles of the transphobic cult? It’s terrifying. People are attacking trans people’s human rights and legal protections based on *this* utter nonsense.

Like I said… …you can see these lies develop into conspiracy theories in real time: The books probably had fake signatures; these certainly look like three different people. That makes sense as to why they didn’t sell. Trans people not at fault.

The conspiracy theory has moved on. There are now unevidenced claims that there were death threats and this has been linked to another claim. In that case, trans people were only mentioned in international anti trans blogs and not in the original French stories when I looked.

While we’re collecting evidence free conspiracy theories? 1. The truth about the phrase “Pregnant People” 2. The transphobic conspiracy theory about the phrase “Pregnant People”
