A few things to eliminate for a happier, healthier life: 1. Toxic Relationships: There’s no place in your life for people that bring you down or hold you back. Cut these people out of your life. Cherish those who lift you up and push you forward. (read on for more)

2. If/Then Traps: We often get stuck saying “If X happens, then I’ll be happy”—it’s a lie we tell ourselves. Find fulfillment in the process, not the prize. 3. Comparisons: Comparison will always tell you that you’re not enough. It’s natural, but dangerous. Learn to turn it off.

4. Complaints: Complaining never got anyone anywhere worth going. Complaining keeps you on the sidelines. Take action and stand in the arena. 5. Inactivity: Your body wasn't made to be still. Consistent daily activity is essential to your health, brain function, and happiness.

6. Self-Sabotage: There are enough people out there trying to cut you down—don’t be one of them. Be proud of your growth and pat yourself on the back. 7. Ego: Your ego will always get in the way of your progress. Embrace your flaws as a call to action. Enjoy being wrong.

8. Fake Timelines: We create these fake timelines on which we think we have to live our lives. They are mostly arbitrary nonsense. Be curious and spend time with great people. The rest will take care of itself.

9. Sugar: Sugar and processed foods rob you of your health and vitality. Avoid them 95% of the time—indulge on occasion and enjoy yourself. 10. Excuses: Pointing the finger gives other people power over you. Be accountable and take ownership.

11. Instant Gratification: An innate desire for instant gratification makes fools of smart men and women. The greatest returns in life come from playing long-term games in a world obsessed with short-term results.

12. Overthinking: When you overthink, you delay action. You paralyze yourself. Never spend time overthinking easily-reversible, low-cost decisions.

This was entirely off-the-cuff. I found it liberating to write this way—almost like a live journal. What else would you add to the list? Follow me @SahilBloom for more writing on life, growth, and decision-making.

I’ll add other great ones from the community: Nonsense “What Ifs”: The big scary “what if X happens?” thoughts that hold us back from going after new and ambitious opportunities. (h/t @SteveOnSpeed)

Here’s a great framework for the toxic relationships one from @waitbutwhy: Place relationships on a 2x2: • X-Axis: How healthy it is • Y-Axis: How enjoyable it is Q1 relationships are healthy & enjoyable. Q4 relationships are unhealthy & not enjoyable. Eliminate them.
