Thread time. Let’s compare mass shooting deaths with dui deaths. Approximately 10,000 people die yearly caused by DUI drivers. I haven’t heard calls in Congress to ban alcohol sales lately. Have you? We can all agree the DUI problem is a problem. But it’s well recognized as a…

behavioral problem and not an alcohol problem. The Gun Violence Archive, an online database of gun violence incidents in the U.S., defines mass shootings as incidents in which four or more people are shot, even if no one was killed…

(again excluding the shooters). Using this definition, 513 people died in these incidents in 2020. And then we hear consistently congress talking about banning guns. Whether they be A.R’s or magazines or whatever. They can’t seem to wrap their brains around this is a behavioral

problem. Not a gun problem. And not only that, it’s a behavioral problem that’s no where near as bad as the DUI problem is. By sheer loss of life. Which leaves us that this is an obvious attack, politically motivated, from the left directly onto the right.
