Simple physical wealth playbook: Exercise: • 30 min per day • Prioritize compound movements • Walk/move every 3 hours Nutrition: • Eat whole foods • Limit meals out • Limit alcohol to 1x/week Sleep: • 7-8 hours per night • 15 min sunlight in AM • No caffeine in PM

Everyone wants to focus on the hacks or shortcuts, but there’s no such thing when it comes to your physical wealth. Do the simple things well—each and every single day—and you’ll get 99% of the way there. Simple is beautiful. This lesson applies to many areas of life.

The consistency is the hardest part. Try this: Commit to 30 days of execution against the above items. Get 3-5 friends to do it with you. Create a group chat where all you say is “done” when you’ve completed checking the boxes for the day. Accountability works wonders.

This same accountability structure can help you thrive in a variety of arenas: • Studying for big exams • Building a daily writing habit • Building a daily reading habit • Etc I have several groups like this going at any given moment in time. Create accountability —> Grow

I call it the 95/5 Rule: In any arena, there are basic building blocks that will get you 95% of the results. When you enter a new arena, spend all of your energy identifying and mastering those blocks. Only allow yourself to think about the 5% after you master the 95%.

It’s a simple adaptation of the Pareto Principle (80/20 rule), but one that I’ve found to be more directionally accurate in most fields.

One important addition to the list: Drink more water. Most of us are chronically dehydrated. This impacts all areas of our health. Drink 16oz of water as soon as you wake up and then continue to sip on water throughout the day. (I’m bad about this—need accountability group!)
