You are losing 90% of your visitors to your landing page. Optimizations won’t fix a page that doesn’t match your visitor’s expectations. Don’t create a one-size fits all experience. Here’s how to fix your conversion rates:

Landing pages can make or break a business. They are the first impression. Studies show you have <10 seconds to convince your visitors to stay. In a sea of competition, you need to show your visitors why you are the *right* choice for them.

1/ Match the temperature of your messaging to the temperature of your traffic Meet your visitors at their stage of awareness. The great Eugene Schwartz broke down prospect awareness into 5 different stages:

• Unaware: No knowledge of anything except their own identity or opinion. Avoid marketing to. • Problem-Aware: Feels she has a problem, but doesn’t know there’s a solution. • Solution-Aware: Knows the result he wants, but not that your product provides it.

• Product-Aware: Knows what you sell, but isn’t sure it’s right for her. • Most Aware: Knows your product, they are almost ready to make a decision, only needs a little push.

Understand how much pain your prospect is in what’s their struggle, and how excited they are about the product. Create content and landing pages for each stage. Join the conversation that’s already happening in their heads. Be part of their context.

2/ Craft a compelling headline 80% of people don’t read past the headline. If the headline doesn’t catch them, they won’t see your content. Remove the guesswork on why your visitors should choose you. It should answer: What am I getting out of this? Why should I care?

Establish what your product does, what are the benefits, and how it is different. Think of the following questions to craft it:

a) What bad alternative do people use when they lack your product? b) How worse would life be if your product didn't exist? c) How is your product better than the bad alternative?

Make sure you know the difference between what a value prop is. What is not a value prop: • Description of product • Mission statement • List of features • List of benefits • Tagline What a value prop is: • Unique/Different • Desirable • Specific • Concise

3/ Make it scroll-stopping How do you get people interested in what you have to say? Write an attention-grabbing hook: • Make it specific • Share a bold claim • Address key objections • Trigger an emotional reaction • Speak directly about their pain

4/ Make them believe it Prospects need you to prove this is legit. They need to know they can trust you. Show them proof in the form of: • Reviews • Star ratings • Testimonials • Case studies Make sure these are from people or companies that mirror your target audience.

5/ Build urgency Set the context. What’s going on in the world that makes your solution a must-have, *now*? Take advantage of inflection points in tech, culture, and society. • Economy • Remote work • Creator economy • Employee wellbeing

6/ Give them a clear call to action Simplify the decision for them. Your CTA is the next step to fulfilling the claim in your headline. Make sure you are getting rid of all their worries.

Let’s recap. Your landing page is one of the most important assets. It’s your first impression. You won’t be able to write an effective landing page without focusing on these items:

1/ Match the temperature of your messaging to the temperature of your traffic 2/ Craft a compelling headline 3/ Make it scroll-stopping 4/ Make them believe it 5/ Build urgency: why now 6/ Give them a clear call to action

I hope this helps you build a high-converting landing page. If you enjoyed this thread: 1. Follow me @samanthalcc for more marketing insights. 2. RT the tweet below to share this thread with your audience
