1) WHO has and continues to talk about a US Civil War? The LEFT. From 7/11/2022, Barbara Walter, political science professor, UC - San Diego. She is also the author of "How Civil Wars Start and How to Stop Them."

2) The Modern-Day Civil War That Has Erupted in America, 8/1/22 by Michael Payne is particularly disturbing. He has listed the two sides of the war in great detail on page 2.

3) it ends with this. PLEASE read. I do believe this is their CALL to action.

4) Over the past month or so, there have been multiple articles written about a Civil War in America. The LEFT has been beating this drum for some time. Where are the fact checkers?

5) On August 4, 2022, Biden met privately with historians which compared the threat facing America to the pre-Civil War era and to fascists movements before WWII. This meeting took place the same day that DC had its lightning strike storm. (View in it's entirety at Wapo)

6) Continued.... This Washington Post article was written on 8/10/22, however it's important to note that the meeting at the WH took place on 8/4. Were they just saving it for the right time?

7) I found several RTs of this article now AFTER the FBI raid.

8) They definitely created this NARRATIVE ahead of the FBI RAID, and they are ready to use it OVER and OVER again. WHO fact checked the LEFTs claim about this? I did not find one link or even screenshot of a Maga group discussing this.

9) I do believe that this is what Trump was talking about when he said they are coming for you next. I have no doubt they are planning something. Their groups have been relatively silent too long except for after the Supreme Court thing.

10) The propaganda machine continues and they are trying to trigger something. Heck, I wouldn't doubt that they do try to arrest Trump in coming weeks to try and stroke the fire even more. Don't fall for their games. Take it to the polls. They want to cancel the elections.

11). I was going to purchase Barbara Walter's book mentioned in #1, just to research more, but after reading this review, I decided to skip it. 😂🤣 "The copyright date is 2022, but Barbara still believes the Steel Dossier was real..."
