The most telling thing for me is that there will never be another school UFO landing, since every kid has a cell phone in their pocket.

@MrHustleMCR Probably won’t be abductions either since everybody has cameras on their house doors.

@blaq_ty Abduction doesn’t seem to have ceased but I don’t disagree. You’d have thought we would have got a complete abduction on tape. 🤔

@MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty If they can abduct, or make people think they've been abducted, I think they can work around cell phones.

@TheUfoJoe @blaq_ty Cell phones and security cameras and webcams. Yep, it seems to be so far advanced, we don’t have the capability to capture.

@MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty Or they can affect cameras? There are cases that suggest that.

@TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty 1-A long time ago, I used to point analog cameras at them. Taking an image hoping to catch them. The reel came out completely blank (solid overexposed color). I suspected nothing and kept it moving.

@TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty 2-When it was the age of digital handheld cameras against their insistence I'd try to take photos for indirect evidence. The camera died and acted funny. I knew it was due to the ET as it told me not to or else. After much effort, the camera came back to life. Then died.

@TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty 3-A shoulder-mounted 1980s-style camera I once had died after I pointed it at where one of the ET (a Grey) stood. Instantly died after pointing at it. I couldn't turn it on, I was scolded and told in no uncertain terms never to do that ever again.

@TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty 4-Over the years, I thought it was something like an EMP or something they used. Some sort of technology. Though, as I got to a certain stage in psychic training they forced on me, and through the endless lectures they poured out on how to understand techniques & careful observ

@TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty 5-As I became more "like them" I started having to deal with more prominent side effects; I realized it is a psychically induced phenomenon on electronics. I observed how their field would make the lights flicker or electronics short out. Finally making the connection.

@TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty 6-I started to imitate their field effects. Trying to mimic similar properties when electronics and power would fail. Eventually hitting on the mechanisms of how they turn things off at will. I used it on cars & then as a dumbass showed it off for them to see. (accomplishments)

@TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty 7-I still remember the threats & agitation they collectively expressed. Indirectly (they & I) realized that just by them being present on a regular basis I was slowly gathering enough techniques and knowledge to objectively show it to other people as evidence.

@TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty 8-I honestly thought I was going to get my permanent pink slip. The Nordic person who was assigned as my watchdog, surely must have done some amazing contortions of logic among the supervisor ETs to keep me alive. They introduced me to more information and stricter controls.

@gangatoday1 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty Thanks for sharing, Ganga. If you don’t mind me asking, how did they train you? Meditation+intention based or something different? Would love to hear details either way

@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty 1-It is VERY different method than the way people normally do it. They started off by showing me how to do exercises (age 5 onwards) that stimulate the release of living "influence" at a very early age. (You'd call it "psychic energy or potential")

@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty 2-Initially, the "ETs" put their hand on your head to impart a sort of high potential "influence" from their own field. That dense living "influence" is absorbed into your body and circulates throughout your system.

@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty 3-As this foreign influence is absorbed, the potential causes latent psychic structures to activate and unfurl. Latent features become active.

@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty 4-Your job is to keep doing the exercises every couple of hours daily so your own living "influence" keeps the system going into states of gradually higher activation. Each exercise induces greater releases of living "influence". @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2

@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 5-The exercises themselves are basically a method of you tricking your own body into sending chemical messages that your metaphysical system looks for (as a regulation mechanism) while attached to your body. This in turn causes it to react with excess infusions of "influence".

@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 6-It is said, that stress, anxiety, elation, etc. (and some types of emotional perturbations) Are all states that cause the excess production of "influence". From a drip feed it turns into a steady stream.That is what you guys are basically doing with the so-called "kundalini"

@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 7-Next, the "ETs" explains how to begin subduing the lower faculties. (what you guys try to do with meditation) The ETs divide consciousness into a lower loop and a higher loop. The lower is body generated, the higher is spiritually generated information.

@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 8-This was HELL on Earth. I never want to go through this training ever again! The "ETs" force you to stand there and gradually decrease the background noise that your mind generates. Eventually suppressing normal intrusive thought processes or meandering of your mind.

@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 9-I was around age ~7 or 8~ when I went through that grueling effort. They gradually show you how to use your own "influence field" to suppress your own body. (like how they do to abductees) So you go from mental suppression to a type of gradually increasing psychic control.

@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 10-Essentially, your body is an extension of "you". Like a vessel or container, it is suppressed and tightly controlled by the "upper loop". Your lower cognition becomes a slave to your higher cognition.

@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 11-Like this, you eventually exert control over other people, their body, their mind, and their bodily functions. As "other people" are merely a separate biological container in their view. What you are tangibly modifying is the status of their "influence" field.

@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 12-With the higher cognition in full effect, you can control your psychic features with a finer level of control. Including processing complex perceptual data about the environment regardless of whether your eyes and ears can see anything in total darkness.

@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 13-At around age 11 or so, the outer "influence field" begins to form. The interior of the body can no longer contain the influence being overly generated/released. The "ETs" instruct you on how to clean out the invisible venting points and how to extract the excess supply.

@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 14-A palpable "influence field" (living psychic energy) begins to form outside your body. It tracks along with your movement from one place to another. If you stand next to someone, their field (being incredibly weak in comparison) begins to react to yours.

@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 15-People notice the intensity of the presence you give off, but can't actually see anything. The field continued to grow. The ETs instruct you on exercises on how to manipulate the field and how to use the outer structures that are beginning to form. They call it extensions.

@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 16-Some of the structures are coming out of your back and as you get older, you notice it interferes with your seat. Some of it is coming out of your head area. When bathing you can remotely feel the structures as the water passes through them.

@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 17-Age 14~ Whatever you are thinking on, someone else experiences it and they also begin to talk about it. Strangers or family alike. You start to learn with the ETs on how to present information to your lower cognition. (Cognitive Overlays)

@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 18-Cognitive Overlays is a method of turning metaphysical raw data into useful structured information that you can superimpose on your lower loop. (Lower Cognition) The ETs instruct on how the capability of imaging is the first goal to present data.

@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 19-Age 15 onwards They introduce proper lectures and Q&A's on how to understand the deep elements of what they want you to do for them. They want you to work on live people. Imaging their mental landscape, extracting information, and all sorts of things I can't admit to.

@gangatoday1 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 Thanks for sharing, Ganga. I know you don’t look upon this too favorably so really do appreciate you taking the time to lay out the details. I have a few questions to understand better and would love to get your thoughts on

@gangatoday1 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 1) Do we want our high cog self to be in control? You mention some positives(psi abilities + possibly recognizing others influence fields impact) but since you’re always weary of intent of external actors, is this a state we have less control over or should we aim for this?

@gangatoday1 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 2) Why would they want you to do work for them when they have the ability themselves? Not enough of them to carry out their functions/goals?

@gangatoday1 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 3) Is all this possible for a human being without an external intervention? Basically if you never had that touch/transfer at 5, would you be able to reach where you did eventually go but possibly taking longer or is that a necessary prerequisite?

@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 1-In my opinion, there are abductees and contactees, but their specific kinds of overall treatment detract from certain kinds of useful applications. (roundabout) They seemingly wanted sequestered or isolated human assets that can do very specific tasks.

@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 2-Everything I have been led to believe ...& through talking to other knowledgeable abductees)... it appears that hybrids cover various roles. Like abductees/contactees, their roles are tailored for specific cases/uses.

@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 3-Meaning, that they are socially and mentally "handled" according to their purpose. Hybrids are not genuine human beings. Nor do they seemingly have a full deck of social, mental & emotional criteria when they perform tasks. Like the "ETs", they are scoped for their purpose.

@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 4-Meaning, their repertoire with a real fully developed person may be notably deficient. Their internal goals and reason for existing as a person are also heavily scripted. (Read: An indoctrinated population)

@SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 5-For lack of a better way to put it, ETs and hybrids are in a caste system. Put them outside of their purpose or element and they fail...hard. Same for most of the ETs we are likely to meet.

@gangatoday1 @SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 Can they think freely or choose to leave?

@ChaseHoward97 @SyedAhmedAli91 @TheUfoJoe @MrHustleMCR @blaq_ty @GarryPNolan @TUPACABRA2 I have never seen an ET refuse an order from a superior. They can gripe or have deep-seated misgivings about it in private. Nonetheless, they do what they are told, independent of their viewpoint.
