90% of content published online will get fewer than 50 visits after going live. This is a shame. Because a lot of great content collects dust & is never seen. Not because it’s not good content but because it didn’t get distribution. Here’s how to get more reach:

USE OTHER PEOPLES AUDIENCE Don’t be afraid to leverage the communities and followings of others to drive reach for your content. Some tactics: - Community replies - FB Group activity - Guest blogging - Tweet replies - Ego bait - Reddit

UNDERSTAND CHANNEL-USER FIT The starting point for distributing your content effectively is understanding the channels your audience is using regularly. You want to spend time where they are and this starts with research. Go where your audience is already spending time.

HAVE THE COURAGE TO BE UNFOLLOWED Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you’re going to lose followers if you promote your work. It’s a trap. You might lose one or two people but those people were likely not the right fit for you anyway. Keep moving. Keep distributing.

CREATE A DISTRIBUTION PROCESS We all know that following a 100+ checklist for distribution can be challenging. So take the checklist and turn it into your own. Here’s the checklist (steal it and make it your own):

UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENT TACTICS WITHIN DISTRIBUTION Content distribution covers a wide range of different tactics & efforts: • Amplification • Repurposing • Syndication • Promotion • Outreach • Paid You don’t need to master all of these but 2-3 can change everything.

DO THINGS THAT DONT SCALE Seed your content into the comments of a Slack community. Reply to threads in a Facebook group. Write massive comments in the replies on Reddit. Send personalized emails to everyone mentioned in your work.

These simple mindset shifts will change the way you do marketing. I’ve used these ideas to reach millions of people on multiple channels. You can too. Remember a simple motto: Create once. Distribute forever.
