10k-20k in debt cancellation isn't enough. But it is the beginning — and sharing stories of how it is dramatically changing people's lives helps garner the support to push the movement further. Here are just some of those stories:


"For my family, an enormous financial and trauma burden is lifted today. I can't stop crying."

"No loan payment means more fresh fruit and veg in our fridge, more books for our boys and now I can afford to get new clothes too. I'm in total disbelief!"

Loan cancellation means the ability to even start *thinking* about wealth accumulation in the form of real estate

"The amount of psychological distress these loans have had over the last nine years is hard to convey."

"It gives me way more financial confidence in having a second kid."

It is a huge deal for the racial wealth gap!!! (And needs to do more!)

Million of borrowers in this position: "My spouse didn’t finish college- cancer in his parents got in the way. He’s had these loans following him around like a dark cloud without the assistance of a degree in the job market."

"I don't know if people who graduated pre-2008 crash truly understand what it means to not have the family you crave because you got an education."

A few more sent to me on IG. “It is money that we can now use to help us buy a badly needed car, to help us travel home to see family at the holidays, and to put towards my son’s speech therapy.”

“If my student loans are forgiven or decreased I will be able to provide slider scale therapy services to SO many more folks”

“As a brown woman, I know it’s gonna feel powerful to just have a lil extra give in my life.”

“We would actually have savings.” (Also: we should continue to prosecute and very forcefully regulate for-profit colleges, duck those guys)

And a reminder of why these stories matter today and are worth spreading:

So many people on this rollercoaster today. What I’ve told all of them: I am so happy for you

Oh you want more people to have kids!?!?!?
