Thread. In 2050, a teacher of history approaches his pupils. They sit in a room unpainted for several decades. The cracks in the ceiling are ignored for they are normal. The small holes that scatter in an arc across the walls are as common as the creaky door hinges...

that struggle to keep the door upright. Their chairs do not match. They write little but memorize a lot, for paper is scarce and the pens for white boards stopped being produced some time ago.

The lecture begins...

“Civil Wars, societal breakdown, & revolution are not inevitable. They are caused. They are caused by a variety of factors. If we seek to understand where we are headed, we may be able to see what caused the rift that led to the demise of the American experiment"

“In 1992, Bill Clinton was elected. The Cold War – a stalemate of one up man ship between the former Soviet Union and former United States – had resulted in the collapse of the Soviet Union. At the time of Clinton’s election, the United States was the preeminent global power.”

“Mr. Clinton was the 1st baby boomer President raised on the new left agenda, which I taught you about last semester. He wasn’t much of an ideologue, he made deals at will, & cared little for being a strict platformist. He was born in the South & raised in a Southern household.”

“Yet, Clinton gave these new left ideologues almost anything they asked for, not because he cared for them, their actions, or motives, but because he was too busy enriching himself, family & friends, expanding his sexual experience, and fulfilling his wife’s lust for power.”

The professor pivoted on a foot, he continued... “He referred to his wife as ‘Hellary’, a name long forgotten by those who didn’t live through his presidency. But because he was willing to abdicate power to his wife, and offer the far left anything they wanted, he signed NAFTA.”

“NAFTA was an agreement that killed – absolutely killed – what we once had in this nation, which was the worlds most powerful manufacturing base. He also pushed through the Mexican Peso Bailout which we now know as The Great Sellout of Working Class Americans.”

“The second thing we need to understand was the election of George W. Bush. Bush was the last president who had any opportunity to reform social security. It was a primary position in the 2000 election campaign and was the single largest reason for expanding federal debt."

“This was basically the last time anyone tried to figure out the math for saving or reforming social security. As we all know, that did not happen. Federal debt continued to expand, and the system became largely insolvent.”

“It was shortly after George Bush’s election that the September 11 terror attacks occurred. During this time people were scared. They were angry. And they coalesced around the expansion of governmental powers to stop such an act from ever happening again.”

“The expanded powers the people allowed the Federal government started with the Patriot Act, which allowed domestic spying and military use of force against US civilians. We even had Presidents eventually use drones to kill Americans under this expanded authorization.”

"But lets not skip ahead. The 9/11 terror attacks gave us 2 wars, both of which were long term, strategic failures. The older American military won many battles. But in the end after 20 years and Trillions of wasted dollars... What? Yes, they spent trillions on war."

"After 20 years these wars culminated in helicopters pulling Americans off rooftops in Iraq and Airplanes speeding down the runway in Afghanistan with people clinging to the sides.”

“What happened to them? Well, they fell off, of course. These were large cargo jets like you saw in Mr. Abrams lecture series last semester on ‘Alex Jones: Globalism and the Davos Elite’. Right. Okay. Neither of these wars accomplished the goals the government said they would.”

“What they did produce is a large anti-war movement that seemed to cross party line in some ways and at various times. But that movement culminated when Barack Obama was elected. Obama was the community organizer that Teddy Kennedy handpicked to lead the new left.”

“Obama failed drastically when he implemented the ‘Affordable Care Act.’ He partnered with Nancy Pelosi, yes – THAT Nancy Pelosi – to push through the ACA without care for legislative process or rules, they didn’t scrutinize the bill,...

its consequences, and made what was already a problematic healthcare system far worse – BUT – it energized and made political a section of the American society that hadn’t been active since the 1930’s. It made American women very political."

"Almost immediately a division among American women occurred. There was an immediate split between Married and Unmarried women. The views of the two groups were in total opposition at the time.”

“The Democrats recognized this early and shifted their vocal framework to support unmarried women. The Republicans were slower to come to this realization, but eventually began pandering to married women and married couples generally."

“By 2020 this division was pitting unmarried women and married households against one another in a savage way. They were more than polar opposites. Traditional household and unmarried women did not align in any meaningful way."

"There were no ideas at the time that either side brought to the table that could bridge the gap between unmarried women and traditional households that had children under the age of 18.”

“We saw kids being brought to strip clubs, boys dressed as girls, men dressed as women with dildos attached to them twerking on kids. One side promoted changing the childs sex as a form of virtue signaling and proclaimed victimhood, the other showed repulsion and disgust.”

“One side chopped off young boys genitals, and young girls breast by the thousands. They committed to this with a sort of religious fervor. Eventually, the perversions crept into what they called MAPS – an acronym for pedophilia.”

“As the one side began demanding sex with kids, the side who had kids and were raising them in traditional households began to push back. No set of ideas brought these two sides together.”

A child raised his hand... “But I thought there was a President named Trump?” he asked. “There was, we aren’t skipping over him. He was elected in 2016. Between Obama and Biden who was President when they began abusing kids so publicly.”

“When Trump was elected, and quite before – through the entirety of the campaign – the media and controlling establishment stated he was the ideal fascist. He was the epitome of what led to Nazi Germany and the death of the Jews."

"He was the Confederate leadership come back to life and would reinstate Jim Crow laws that held blacks as second-class citizens.”

They made sure everyone heard this on repeat for 4 and a half years. They told everyone that he would destroy democracy. See, before the destruction of our former society, history teachers failed their pupils."

"They taught the rise of Nazi Germany, causes of WW2, persecution of Jews, and consequences of WW2 in a very particular way. And they did this by teaching about the rise of fascism, which they also taught in a very particular way.”

“They forgot to teach about communist thugs that bashed Italians and Germans in the streets, & the failures of liberal governments to stop that violence. They forgot to teach that Italians &and Germans then looked to fascist thugs for protection so they wouldn’t be bludgeoned."

“Instead, it was taught that Hitler rose to power solely through his ability to speak well, get people excited, and turn out for elections. This was mirrored onto Trump and decades of people had only been taught this one fragment of what led to WW2.”

“And its true, in this one regard – his ability to draw crowds to speaking events & get people excited about the 2016 election no one in decades of Western politics was able to do what Trump did. He filled the largest sports arenas. He called celebrities fat & the media whores.”

“He promised to take on the establishment which he called ‘the swamp’ for the people. The intelligentsia was confounded. They were also furious. The demonization of Trump and his followers proved to be the greatest mistake made during that time.”

“You see all of this was backdropped by a mental health disaster. People were sick. They claimed physical pain to words and shuttered and collapsed at the thought of acting as adults do today. They were quite nearly different specimens to you and I today in this regard.”

“Whereas your parents work the fields for endless hours and you have walked several miles each day to school for your whole life, these people cried over the wrong color on luxury vehicles. They demanded to control what others ate."

"They threw violent tantrums over latte’s – it’s a type of fancy coffee we don’t have anymore – and filmed everything.”

“See, we keep adding layers. They also had something called social media. They filmed themselves, took pictures, or posted their thoughts onto the internet which you learned about several years ago. They felt every opinion they had was important & that subjectivity was a virtue.”

“It got to the point where things like math were called racist & they tried declaring 2+2=5. The people of this time were broken. And they cataloged their own destruction. Eventually all of this came to a head after the progressive government failed to stop calling out violence.”

“In the summer of 2020, violent leftists caused billions of dollars of damage across the nation. They burned down blocks, businesses, and killed people because they were so deranged and consumed by propaganda.”

“As political violence grew unabated, it eventually was celebrated & encouraged. In June 2020 the Republican Congressional baseball team was shot up in an act that few on the left even considered. The BLM riots after the death of George Floyd were the ones we just talked about.”

“They were the largest insurance payout for a civil disturbance in US history. In fact, they were likely the largest insurance payout in American history period. Possibly larger than Hurricane Katrina or anything else.”

“Later that summer after the police shooting of Breonna Taylor a mob attacked Kentucky Senator Rand Paul while leaving the White House. And no one stopped them. And no one on the left condemned this. In 2022, a man tried to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh over the Dobbs ruling.”

“Again, few if any on the left spoke out. Many called this well deserved. It was loudly encouraged. Eventually we saw members of Congress ‘swatted’ by the left. It started with Marjorie Taylor Greene. After several failed attempts to get her killed, they moved to other targets."

“But it didn’t stop there. The heat in the American discourse continued to rise until what we all know too well happened. Its why we sit here learning in this old building whose age is shown all too well. We couldn’t figure out how to lower the heat.”

“And no on in a position of power cared to turn the burner to anything but boil. In fact, they celebrated what was taking place. Only a complete idiot couldn’t see what was coming and when the two sides eventually collided fully it destroyed that society.”

“Had the people applied the brakes, they could have prevented so much waste, death, and destruction. This is why we say ‘Be Kind To Your Neighbors’. This is why we have church meals, congregate, and ask daily that we may be better. Its why hard work and merit are so valuable.”

“Because as we live in the rubble made by the mistakes of our ancestors, we have to know when to pump the brakes. We can’t live in rabid fashion....” At this time a whistle was blown throughout the halls of the old building signaling class was over.

The students got up and exited the classroom through the dilapidated door on its squeaky and unkept hinges. Be Kind To Your Neighbors…
