Horror & Fantasy Fans I recall my first major foray into the world of horror flicks was a holiday at my cousins’. Midnight, all lights turned off, the only illumination from the box tv, with everyone either seated or lying on the floor watching the original Evil Dead on VHS.

Over the years, I developed quite for a taste for horror and esoteric content - the more macabre it was, the better for me. My only condition being a reasonably logical storyline which for me excluded all of Nollywood’s attempts.

A time came when the movies generally lost their appeal and I started looking into books /novels. My first was a sci-fi horror which gave me nightmares.

I understood the nightmares were as a result of what I had fed my mind so dismissed it while appreciating the art that could trigger such a night event.

Years later I had my first taste of Stephen King in University and I became an instant fan binding on all his works I could find. Still I wanted more and explored works from other authors.

This didn’t last long as I found many were more diabolical than esoteric, so I quickly stopped.

Gradually my interest in esoteric content waned but I still enjoyed the occasional horror movie while mostly bemused by bloody scenes in fantasy movies.

Imagine my surprise when just last week I found myself actively cringing while watching a movie of super powered individuals carrying out acts of violence without prejudice. This caught my attention and I realized it has been building up for some time.

I had become uncomfortable even with animations that depicted debased or twisted images.

What has changed? I recall my teacher @GbengaWemimo talking about how, because the Holy Spirit in us interacts with this realm through our senses, he cannot engage certain content.

I asked the Holy Spirit about this and the response was basically ‘Do you really want to expose me to these content?’ (Erm. No sir!)

Suffice it to say, I did a few checks and I know with certainty that any content hinged on malevolence is off the table.

I have witnessed how even the most guarded heart becomes mush when the Holy Spirit has done some work on their heart. This isn’t surprising considering God is all love and His nature is benevolence.

Anyone who sees God as malevolent or vengeful is yet to honestly know God. Any Christian who is malevolent in any way is yet to walk with God. As He is, so are we in this world.

Is your heart dark? Cold? Dead on the inside? Are you angry? Bitter? Disenchanted? Come to tbh Holy Spirit today. Let the love of God take over your reality and you will be amazed the shifts you will encounter. God loves you. Shalom!

