11 Ways To Build Unbreakable Trust:

1. Communicate openly, honestly, and frequently If you want people to trust you, you must communicate with them openly, honestly, and frequently. Let them know what's going on in your life and work, share your thoughts and feelings, and ask for their input and feedback.

2. Be dependable You must be dependable at all times. People need to know that they can count on you to do what you say you're going to do when you say you're going to do it.

3. Keep your word If you want people to trust you, you must keep your word. When you make a promise, do everything you can to keep it.

4. Be consistent You must be consistent in your words and actions. People need to know what to expect from you and that you're not going to change your mind on a whim.

5. Be transparent If you want people to trust you, it's important that you be transparent in your dealings with them. Don't try to hide things or keep secrets. Let them know what's going on and why you're doing things the way you are.

6. Be authentic You must be authentic in your interactions with them. Don't try to be someone you're not. Be genuine, and let people see the real you.

7. Be respectful If you want people to trust you, you must respect them and their opinions, even if you disagree. Show them that you value their thoughts and feelings and are willing to listen to what they say.

8. Be humble Trust requires humility. Don't try to take all the credit for things or make it seem like you're better than everyone else. Acknowledge the contributions of others, and be willing to admit when you're wrong.

9. Be grateful If you want people to trust you, you must express gratitude for their trust in you. Tell them that you appreciate their faith and will do your best to live up to it.

10. Be open to feedback Be open to feedback, both positive and negative. Show them that you're willing to listen to what they say and are eager to make changes based on their input.

11. Be patient If you want people to trust you, it's important that you be patient with them. Trust takes time to build and is easily broken. Don't expect people to trust you immediately or to trust you completely. Give them time, and give them a reason to trust you.

Summary: 1. Communicate openly, honestly, and frequently 2. Be dependable 3. Keep your word 4. Be consistent 5. Be transparent 6. Be authentic 7. Be respectful 8. Be humble 9. Be grateful 10. Be open to feedback 11. Be patient

These are just a few thoughts on trust. I'm sure there are many more. If you can keep these 11 things in mind, you'll be well on building the trust essential for great relationships.
