Here is a list of 15 principles I use to try and live my best life, They work well for me and have helped me build and live a life that I truly love. Try them for yourself and watch your life change for the better.

1. Be positive. Being positive is not just a pleasant way to live, it’s the only way to live. It brings optimism into your life and makes it easier to avoid the worry and stress of negative thinking. Benefits include better psychological and physical well-being and happiness.

2. Stop worrying about the future. Worrying will not change the future, but it will stop you from living your life to the fullest now. When you constantly worry about the future, you are not able to live in and enjoy the present moment.

3. Stop putting areas of your life on hold. Do you want to travel, write a book or join the circus? Make it happen! Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.

4. Live in the moment. Don’t watch as life passes by you. Jump in and get involved in all that is happening around you. Life is to be experienced. Learn to live in the moment and you'll have a happier and more fulfilling life.

5. Don’t settle. Don’t settle for a job you hate. Don’t settle for friends that put you down. Don’t settle for a partner you don’t love. Go get what you want from life.

6. Don’t be afraid of failure. The only way to avoid failure is not to try. But then you’ll miss out on the incredible experiences life can offer. If you want to be afraid of something, be afraid of not trying. If you don't try, you’ll always wonder about what could have been.

7. Practice an attitude of gratitude. Practicing gratitude has the potential to change your perspective on life. Always express gratitude and appreciation. Feeling gratitude can make you healthier, strengthen the immune system, reduce stress, and increase emotional resilience.

8. Live a simpler life. Life can certainly be complicated, but sometimes we make it more complicated than it needs to be. Simplifying our lives can reduce stress, free up valuable time and help us to feel more in control of our destiny.

9. Do only the things you love doing. Life is short. If possible, don’t do things you don’t like doing. Spend time only on what makes you happy and fulfilled.

10. Write down your goals. They might be simple goals you want to achieve today or this week. Or longer term 1, 3, or 5-year goals. Create an action plan on how you are going to achieve these goals and then take action.

11. Create your life handbook. A life handbook is your guidebook on how to live your best life. It should consist of your life purpose, your life goals, and a plan on how to achieve these goals.

12. Regularly review your life progress. Assess your progress every week, month, or year so that you know you’re making headway to achieving your goals.

13. Face your fears. We all have fears that impact our behaviors & stop us from living our lives to the fullest. Face a few of your fears & you’ll build the courage to face more. You’ll expand your comfort zone & open yourself to new experiences you never thought possible.

14. Don’t wait for an opportunity to come knocking on your door. Get out there and start creating your own opportunities.

15. Seek out positive like-minded people. Only mix with people who encourage you, respect you and make you happy. Sever toxic relationships with negative people, people who take advantage of you, people who don’t respect you, and people who are overly critical.

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