CCTV FOLLIES: 9/28 A huge amount of airtime is devoted to the incomparable intellectual of China's emperor-of-everything Xi Jinping. It's predictably the most boring thing in the news but there are people (in high places) who can't get enough of it. Their life depends on it.

And now to world news. The Special Military Operation is proceeding apace. Images provided courtesy of Russia's Ministry of Defense predominate. Sleek jets and...

...smoky explosions in unexplained places. It's still video game mode, all pyrotechnics, no people, which is just the way the Russian propagandists like it.

It's mostly a showcase for Russian hardware, but some shots are so out of context one suspects that stock footage is used to fill the gaps, not than anyone notices.

CCTV always airs the Kremlin line, but lately offers a few shots taken from the Ukraine side, in keeping with Fox News motto, "fair and balanced." Basically, a fight broke out. This might confuse CCTV viewers because Russia's invasion is not acknowledged. War is not a word.

The real villain of the piece is the US, of course, because its cruel and villainous sanctions are not only worse than war, but causing the price of apples to go up in Europe.

What about that pipeline explosion? CCTV delivers pretty good pictures. (this from Danish sources)

The Nordstream pipeline suffered a major explosion.

Not only does CCTV show off one of their famous maps (unlike their Ukraine maps, this one has clearly marked borders) but it quotes their go-to expert to find out what really happened, none other than Putin's puppet and spokesman: Dmitri Peshkov
