How I cured my anxiety and depression for good (without taking pills) - THREAD -

1. I am where my feet are. If you have one foot in the future and one foot in the past, all you can do is shit on the present. Presence is powerful. Focus on living in each moment. When you live in the moment that is happening there is no time for worry. Be present.

2. I workout everyday. Exercise, in many forms, has been the activity that keeps me going. Regular exercise makes you feel good, look good, and have more energy. I have got bored and switched my workouts. I want to push my mind and body, so I am now training for an Ironman.

3. I get sun on my skin DAILY. Sunlight gives you life. Literally. Sunlight makes your body release serotonin, which helps regulate sleep, appetite, mood, and pain. Imagine not getting in the sun and NOT getting these benefits from it. Take your shirt off and get outside.

4. I get 8 hours of sleep A NIGHT. Sleep is where your body recovers. Worked out hard? Ate a lot? Long day? This is where your body and mind decompress and repair themselves. Don’t sleep, and you don’t get to recover. Sleep is VITAL to me now. Where it never used to be.

5. I now create, I don't just consume. I stopped being a consumer. Well, not 100%, because consuming allows me to learn from people above me. But I changed from being a consumer of content only to making my own and trying to help people around me improve their lives.

6. I sit in silence. Sit down in silence everyday. (waking up earlier can help) Have conversations with yourself in your head. Have conversations with the universe. Just give your mind and body time to not do anything besides have a chat with themselves.

7. I reconnected with nature. This can be as simple as walking barefoot in the grass. Some people haven’t touched a plant in years. You don’t want that. Nature is where we come from, we weren’t meant to be around all of this concrete and technology. Take a break from them.

8. Goal setting has been one of the highest ROI habits I've adopted. Daily, weekly, and monthly goals. Doing these three kinds of goals has made it a lot easier to achieve what I want. You will see everyday how much you have done, and keep track easier.

9. I got a companion. I got a 4-legged friend, 4 years ago. 4 years ago was when I was cut free from my depression and anxiety. A companion animal isn’t easy to have, but they will change your life. Making you a better person in the process.

10. I became stoic. I learned how to control my thoughts and emotions. Metacognition. Emotional Intelligence. Philosophy. Psychology. Sociology. All fields that I studied to get out of the deep dark hole I was in. And it worked. I am far superior to the old me.

This is my story. Thank you for reading. If you got ANY value from my story: 1. Follow me @mindsetofstoics for more improvement help 2. RT the tweet below to share this thread with your audience 3. Join our newsletter to get daily improvement help
