This is so much more demanding than anything I’ve ever done in my life, but it gets exponentially easier with every breath.

Alhamdulillah. 🥹

I really truly pray I get to hold My Person’s hand throughout this lifetime. I pray that every person that I choose going forward is a person who will bravely stay. I pray that if they must leave, that they do so gently. God knows I never again want to experience heartbreak.

I pray for the courage, humility, discernment and grace to hold all the love that I welcome into my life. I pray that the work I do in love bears rich and lasting fruit. I pray that it becomes a hedge of protection around me, so that God’s blessings can find and stay with me.

There are so many devastating places I’ve gone in my life due to loneliness and illiteracy in love. I thank God for the ever-increasing distance between me and that wilderness.

God, you see my heart. God, you see my hands. Let Your yes be my yes. Let Your amen be my amen.

Amen. Amen.
